Chapter 50 - An assassin's lament

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Wakanda, 2016

After several decades, the emptiness inside her chest felt heavier than ever before. She didn't understand. Her mission was over. Done. She'd won. Survived, even. So why did she just want to close her eyes and sleep forever? Why wasn't there even the faintest hint of satisfaction or triumph at the completion of her mission? 
Nemesis stared out the window, her empty eyes following the gradual drift of the white, fluffy clouds. It seemed so long ago that she'd laid in the grass with her brother on those hot summer days in California, inventing stories about the shapes they recognized as the clouds floated overhead. A wry smile crept up her lips when she heard her sibling's voice in her head. God, how she missed him. 


She didn't respond to Natasha Romanoff's concerned call. All she wanted was to be left in peace. Was that really too much to ask after everything? Didn't she deserve to rest? Granted, she hadn't said a word since yesterday, but Nemesis wouldn't have minded for the silence to have lasted a little longer.

"Nemesis, you have to eat," insisted Natasha. "You've refused everything for days. Super-soldier or not, even you can't run on an empty stomach."

"I'm allergic to the spices they use here," replied Nemesis in a lethargic voice. 

"It's cheese sandwiches. No spices. Or are you lactose intolerant as well?"

Sighing, Nemesis turned her head toward the bedside table to discover Black Widow was right. Next to the untouched bowl of porridge, a plate of neatly cut triangle sandwiches accompanied by a light salad. Her stomach grumbled. Nemesis pushed herself up, only noticing then her limbs were no longer restrained with the vibranium cuffs. 

"When did —?"

"Last night," said Natasha. "I assured T'Challa you wouldn't be foolish enough to try anything."

"That's a lot of faith you're putting in me."

"Wouldn't be the first time."

Their eyes met. Nemesis didn't feel like reminiscing about the Red Room, so she grabbed a sandwich and nibbled a corner. Though the spread was plain, it was still the most delicious thing she'd tasted in such a long time. Spurred on by the taste and her hunger, the young assassin took a decent bite. 

"It's good," she said gratefully. "Thank you."

Natasha's smile was quickly followed by a wince. She shuffled in place, trying to get a better position. Nemesis was inclined to follow her example, or better yet, just lie down on the floor. Damn pillows and mattress were far too soft to her liking. Seeing Natasha's discomfort, Nemesis said, "I'm sorry. I didn't expect the drug I gave you to wear off so quickly."

"What did you give me, anyway?"

"Something S.H.I.E.L.D. put together for quick fixes when out in the field. The science behind it is similar to the super-soldier serum, only without the super-soldier effect. It was the first time I made it myself, though. Must've gotten the dosage wrong."

"Well, I do feel a little better. But," Natasha furrowed her brow, "I was with S.H.I.E.L.D. for years. How come I never heard of this?"

"You always flew solo," clarified Nemesis. "It was only distributed to agents with partners. The drug knocks you out and paralyzes you for, supposedly, six hours to repair the damage from within, so you're a sitting duck unless you have somebody with you to watch your six."

"Then how come you know of it? You never had a partner, did you?"

"I knew the person who came up with this."

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