chapter 12

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Taegan's POV


Ughhh. Why does she always need to trigger me to the point that I give up and lash out?? Are all moms like that? Forget it. Mine must be an exception. 

I am right now on a video call with my mom. Woman, has been continuously asking me if anything happened or if I am not able to take care of anything or not. Like for god's sake! you send 2 spies for me. What could possibly go wrong over here???

"Tae, I am only asking you this out of concern" is her reply back to me. My mom's caring but sometimes the that caring extends to an horrible level. Just like now. We have been talking in the video call for past 1hour and this 'Are you fine, actually?' have been 50th time of asking.

"Mom...." I start and then get interrupted by a voice, behind me.

"Don't you think you are being too hard on her?" Aunt Betha takes the phone from me and confronting mom


However, if you thought this would stop 'The great Vanessa Davies'...........You are wrong. Instead in a husky voice I hear her say, "Don't you think you should stop coming in between me and my daughter?" 

That's it! Did you see?! That's what she always does! Not winning an argument? Here's a tip. Insult the opponent to the level that they are too embarrassed to speak to you further. That's one my mom's pro techniques. Always work. Like she could pass a lawyer vibe check certainly. 

"She's my niece! My brother's daughter. Of course I have a right to say! " I smirk at my aunt's reply. Dignity runs in the Davies Bloodline. There's a thing my grandmother always used to say.'D for Davies, D for Dignity' and that's what we have kept intact all these years. We can sell anything. But dignity? That's our cue to invade! Then I notice my mother rolling her eyes. Woah. she seems to be in a mood not to let this slide because the dead glare she is pointing from the phone seems like she would just walk out of it and gobble my aunt. She is about to say something. So I decide to intrude and stop this virtual Cat fights before this can turn to the level of world war 3

"Speaking of brother....Where's dad?" I ask nervously smiling and receive a sigh from mom. "He went to a meetup with a citizen from here. That gentleman wanted to rent one of our New York's Apartments in downtown alley. I nod my head in understanding while she further adds now with a soften tone "Tae, baby I know you are big enough to handle the house and everything but the reason I send your aunt there is so that you could stay under a adult supervision at at least. So that she can help you when she needs. We will be gone for a while"

"A while?" I raise my eyebrows at mom and looks at Aunt Betha who shrugs quickly confused as me.

"Baby, there's some mergers your dad needs to finalize over here and I just met my school friend here in a art exhibition. She married a guy from Thailand and now she lives here. So I thought...."

Before she could finish, I decide to finish for her. "Two targets with one arrow" 

Of course. I bet Dad doesn't even want to stay there any longer. I mean they were supposed to be gone for 2 weeks but I guess she had some other plans in her head now. After all she will prioritize everything else but her daughter.

"I am sorry honey. I know we were supposed to be back in 2 weeks. But I promise we will be back in a month. Don't worry. No more extensions. I promise" She gives me one of her most overrated blooming smiles while Aunt Betha pats my back and blinks her eyes reassuring me. I give a sad smile back at her and focus my attention back to mom. "It's okay mom. Do what best suits you but I don't think it's convenient for Aunt Betha to say here for this long...." I start but Aunt Betha's one strict look makes me shut my mouth immediately. "What rubbish!  I can stay here with you as much as I want. If necessary, Andy can leave but I will stay with you as long as you need" I smile at Aunt Betha and hug her tightly.

𝓜𝓘𝓢𝓙𝓤𝓓𝓖𝓔𝓓 (Love, Lust & War 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora