Side Mission

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The night was beautiful , and that's why i decided to go on a walk arund the main building
I was half way done with the walking when i got a text:

"Somebody's yelling in one of the cells , where tf are u?"

"Iam walking , why don't you just go and check , Zara?

"Iam NOT going in there alone at night , its fucking haunted , get your ass here , NOW"

" Okay , i'm omw "

I started to jogging to the enter and got to the cells , there is Zara my bestfriend for 4 years
"I hear no yelling " i say annoyed because she dragged me here for nothing
" it stoped a min ago , please come in with me " she begs
"Fine " i push the door in and turn on the lights , and we enter the hallway
"Let's check every cell " i suggest
"Mine is the left side your's the right one "
I nod
I already checked 16 cells , some were empty but every one was sleeping , its not that suprising , i still have a few cells left so i start moving
I was almost done i looked into the last cell and there he was , Nikolai , he was sleeping peacefuly
" Iam done " Zara says , and comes next to me
" Are you done admiring your crush ?"
"I do not have a crush on him!"i say to her , because i don't

I think... no Cayden stop , you do not have a crush on him !

"Mmmm " Zara continues to annoy me
"Goodnight , you owe me one "
" Goodnight , i know , thanks Cayden "

I head towards my room , as much as i couldn't sleep an hour ago , i was tired

I was sleeping peacefuly , but then my phone started buzzing
Incoming call from The General

"Cayden , be in my office in 15 minutes " i was about to ask him why but he hanged up
I didn't really bothered myself with changing clothes so i brushed my teeth and headed to the office and knocked
"If your not Cayden GO AWAY" Tomatya said , i entered
" Good morning General, ohh hi Zara" i said in a sleepy voice
I almost fall asleep when the General was talking, he was talking for 50 minutes about us needing to check a building near the capital.

So there were we like two idiots in the tunnel at 8 AM dressed up in full gear
" How i hate these task , we basicly need to go to a house check if anyone is there and if they are we need to kill them because they are too close to us " Zara was complaining to me the whole time
"Yea , and its not just that , usally there is nobody there " I joined the complaining
After 20 of walking we finaly arrived , and entered the building , we heard 3 people talking

" Everybody get on the ground now, or i we will open fire " I warned them but they didn't listen they started shoting at us .
Now we have no other choice then killing them so we opened fire
I shot one in the head , he layed out quickly on the ground
"2 down" Zara said with a smirk
Zara triped in a box and got shot at for being an easy target
"Ah" she said when she got hit by a bullet
"ZARA " i tried to shot the guy down as fast as possible but i could not he was behind a wall , so i decided to sneek up on him .

Once i was behind him i grabed him by the troath and he droped his gun , only to pull out a knife , when i realised that he got a knife i quickly started to get him on the ground so i could get the knife out of his hand , i did get the knife out of his hand but he cutted my face , but at that moment i didn't care i needed to get Zara back to the base

I wouldn't say that it was easy walking 20 minutes while holding Zara but she is way smaller then me , for a girl she is pretty tall but for my 6,1 body her little 5,2 height was nothing

When we got to the base the nurse was already outside with the doctor , and they took her to take the bullet out of her leg

While i was waiting for Zara i got my cut cleaned , it was only a 6 cm cut on my face

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