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It was pouring rain. The streets were slick with puddles of water filling the empty gaping pot holes of the long forgotten roads that went unnoticed and unmanaged by Gothams Highway maintenance workers. Of course, the rich and well off didn't usually come around these parts of Gotham.

It was the slums of Gotham. The places filled with the most crime and the most garbage. It was a wonder these poor souls hadn't died already. Well, it was all thanks to one person these people could afford anything because he was letting them use him, bleed him dry of all he's worth.

It was how he coped. Long as he was busy his mind wouldn't wander, he wouldn't think too hard, wouldn't be controlled by his need to be, no, to play at being a hero.

He was no hero. That's for sure.

He face contorted into a grunt as he hauled yet another crate to its final resting place on the back of a truck. Nearby two men sat lazing about as they chatted and laughed.

He had just finished loading the truck when a hush fell on the busy loading site. Activity seemed to halt immediately. Danny looked up curious, he had never heard such a sudden silence before. It was so quiet that he could hear himself breathing.

The sound of footsteps crunching on the crappy gravel of the loading site turned heads.

"Why are you men just lying around, is it your break time already?" Danny flinched. The voice was robotic and spotty. In a way it was kind of creepy.

Danny tentatively looked to where the men had been sitting. They were both standing now.

"Of course not sure, we were just letting the kid-" the other guy jabbed the man speaking in the ribs shutting him up.

"Some guy wanted to help out, he insisted we stay out of his way. Who were we to say no to extra help?" The guy said shrugging.

"New guy?" The men shivered. The robotic tone has shifted slightly going an active deeper.

The footsteps continued coming around to the truck. Danny felt like he should run or maybe, the thought crossed his mind to use his invisibility. It would be the first time in a long time for him. Now days he only used his powers for one thing. Boost his athletics so he could perform jobs quicker and easier.

Before Danny could plan out what to do, it was too late to run or hide.

"Who are you?" Danny wasn't sure if the tone was neutral or pissed thanks to the warbling the mask was doing for the guy but he got the feeling by the current atmosphere that this guy was somewhere at the head of the triangle here.

He might even be the big boss himself.

"Danny, they weren't lying either. I refused to let them help me."

"Danny. I'm Red Hood" the masked figure held up a wad of cash.

"It doesn't matter to me whose fault it was. All I know is the job got done, and well. And they weren't the ones who did it"

The ringleader of the dingus pair stepped forward, "but boss" he protested.

"Shut it. Those who work get paid and in my game everything is flat fair. Now get back to work before I take your legs. You wont need them anymore if all you do is sit around"

Danny stared at the cash in his hand, placed there by this mysterious stranger.

"Hey, kid. What do you say about working for me, formally."

Dan y looked from the money to him, "I'm not giving this back to you" he warned.

"I don't plan on taking it back, you earned it"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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A retired teenage hero: Danny PhantomWhere stories live. Discover now