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"Hey. Stop that."


“I see that it’s a little gnarly there…”

“Yeah, it wasn’t exactly taken off neatly, or with permission.”

“Nonetheless, I think I know what you're looking for.”

Power Loader’s workshop was cluttered, and that's being nice. Metal machinery, copper wires, and all types of junk I can’t name littered the work desks. He thankfully didn’t ask too many questions about my leg as he began to take measurements. He smelt like a mix of oil and exhaust, no doubt from the equipment he works with here.

After that little stint with Usagiyama, I spent the rest of my day doing my thing. Thinking about what I’m going to eat for dinner, If I should get a car, how the Hero Commission is rotten to the core and intends to use me as a puppet, just like all the others that they keep under wraps.

Stuff like that.

I’ll play along, and take advantage of their resources as I do. And don’t let me find out some really juicy stuff too.

How am I finding this stuff out, you ask? Where people blather them out, the internet. Forums and such while keeping my ears and eyes up, can be a really good place to collect info if you do it right.

Where was I? Right, I need a better leg. I have a feeling I’m gonna need a more stable and durable leg…

So I sat there as he measured out the lengths and the widths and the such, the silence was comfortable at least.

“I’ve seen the news.”

He speaks?

“What about it?”

“All Might said some mighty fine words about you, y’know. Do you know him?”

Oh, with this shit again?

“Not at all,” I say with a slight edge.

“I see.” He murmurs as he finishes taking measurements. It falls into silence once again as Power Loader takes the sheet of measurements before swiftly scribbling down what looks like a model.

“I can make you a rather sturdy combat type, and with the right alloys, it can pack quite the punch as well…” He finishes writing before looking up again.

“You spoke of a weapon as well?”

“Oh yeah, here it is.” I pull out the Kusarigama, letting him observe and feel it.

“This has some age and use, I see.” He says as he runs his fingers along the blade.

“Yeah…” Some use, alright.

“I can make the chain longer, and lighter as well… Blade could be bigger and sharpened… The weight I can make similar to Nighteye’s stamps…” He begins mumbling slightly as he takes notes of the weapon. I kind of just sit there, I don’t know what to do here.

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