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Time Skip the next day...

It was 7:30 pm and you were peacefully watching your favourite cartoon on tv.

Tae - bubba now off the tv and come lets have dinner...

Y/n - oppaa only 10 minutes moreee...

Tae - you are saying this from past half an hour (folded his hand on his chest)

Y/n - pleaseee (puppy eye)

Tae - those eyes will not work now kid, now come or else I'm calling jungkook he will give you a nice punishment then (Said strictly)

Y/n - NO!! NO!! NO! NOOOO!! I'm not coming I'm sure you would have been made that stupid grass again (Said loudly)

Taehyung frowned at her behaviour and was about to say something but..

Jk - Y/N IS THIS HOW YOU TALK TO YOUR OPPA HUHH??!! (in a angry voice)

Y/n - ( flinched )

Tae - jungkook it's okk chill dude..

Jk - Hyung stop always protecting her in these things what she did was wrong and i know she herself knows it! Isn't it ?!(asked you while glaring at you)

As you nodded while looking down and mumbled a sorry...

Jk - (sighed) hyung tell me from the starting what happened (looked at taehyung)

Tae - nothing jungkook just leave- (cut by jk)

Jk - hyung every mistake has it's consequences and she needs to know that now please stop covering her up and tell me...

As taehyung sighed and looked at you and then told jungkook everything...

Jungkook looked at you and then after looking at your scary figure he closed his eyes to calm himself a little...

Jk - come here (stern)

Y/n - (no response)


you flinched by sudden shout and quickly went in front of him..

Jk - apologize to tae oppa (cold)

Y/n - i-i a-am s-sorry (said in a low voice while shuttering)

Jk - (gave two hard smack on her butt)

Y/n - awwwhh oppaa (teary eyes)

Jk - is this how you apologize huhh!! Apologize properly..

Y/n (held her ears and looked at taehyung) I'm sorry oppa I didn't mean to behave like that (teary eyes)

Tae - it's ok bubba i know you didn't mean to i forgive you hmm (wiped your tears and hugged you)

Jk - no tv for a week and 5 situps for not listening to your elders and 10 situps for disrespecting food, it means total 15 situps now start (said in a cold voice)

Your eyes widened as you looked at taehyung with puppy eyes..

Tae - jungko- (cut by jk)


as you quickly started to do situps ...

Jk - count it too (cold)

Tae - jungkook- (as he again got cut by him as he sighed in defeat)

Jk - can't you hear mee I told you to count ( said really strictly)

Y/n - y-yes oppa s-sorry

As she started to do situps while counting but after 7 situps she stopped and sat on the floor...

Y/n - please im sorry oppa I can't do anymore (said while crying while still holding her ears)

Jungkook sighed and picked you up in his arms as you started to cry hardly while burying your face in his neck..

Jk - shhh shhh it's ok the punishment is over (said really softly while caressing her back)

And soon you Stopped crying .
And looked at taehyung..

Y/n - tae tae oppa sorryyy (said while spreading her hand telling him to pick her up )

As tae chuckled and picked her up hid het in his embrace..

Jk - but princess I'm telling you if this ever happen again i swear my ruller will talk to you (said Sternly)

As she gulped hard and hugged taehyung more tightly..

Tae - yahhh jungle book stop scarring my baby ...

Jk - okk okk now let's go and study for a while ..

Y/n - taeee taee oppaa see naa (puppy eyes)

Jungkook just rolled his eyes..

Tae - he is right Princess you need to study your exams are coming naa (said while caressing your hair)

Jk - done with your drama?? Now come (stern)

Y/n - but oppa see my ankle is hurt I can't study (grinned But it faded away soon)

Jk - Hyung can you please bring my ruller ...

Y/n - (eyes widened) WHATT NOO!! I-i am going na who said I'm not going to study let's goo!! (said in fake excitement)

While jungkook and taehyung chuckled..


To be continued....

I'm reallyyy sorryyy for latee updates and short chapterss 😭😭..

I know it was a little boring chapter but I hope you liked it :")..

Please share your review and opinions in comments:)..

Thankuuu forr readinggg<33333

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