Long Live Jeremy

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Chapter Five:
   Eric's POV

"Do you have any idea the potential trouble you've gotten us into?" Cory asks me for the thousandth time since that night Rosie Mae busted through the door of the bedroom, ruining the plans I had for Lucas.

First of all, who just walks into a room at a party without knocking first? You clearly never know what you could walk into. Second of all, what are the chances that this same girl is the person my brother is dating. What a fucking joke.

When Faith knocked on the door, looking for Rosie Mae, I didn't know who it was at first. The plan was to kill whoever walked in, kill Rosie, and of course kill Lucas's dumbass.  Cory and I were going to handle the rest. It wasn't our first walk down the block. Even with the slimmest of chances, it just had to be Faith, someone who already knew me and was close with Blake. I couldn't just open fire at that point.

"You've never hesitated to kill anyone up until now." Cory continued on his rant, flicking his cigarette into the ashtray on the coffee table between us. "Now you have some bitch out and about with all kinds of information that could land not only you but me in prison for quite some time."

"What? For seeing me pull a gun on someone?" I scoffed. "That's some jail time, Cory."

Cory stopped mid puff and looked at me with a dumbfounded expression. "We killed Lucas, dumbass. She tells the cops about seeing him. They go looking...oh shit, he's dead. Oh shit, Rosie Mae said she saw Eric pull a gun on Lucas and a guy who fit the description of Cory was there too. Case fucking closed."

I contemplated his theory but there wasn't much to wonder about. Cory was right. Rosie was a risk, a high risk. The fact that she's Blake's girlfriend couldn't factor into the equation. I also couldn't be selfish enough to dismiss Cory's involvement and the price he'd pay as well.

"We have to kill Rosie, dude. You know we do."

Images of Rosie Mae's contagious smile from across the room at the Christmas party popped up in my mind. The way those curls bounced as she moved with such elegant strides. The way her body looked in that dress was devilish. Her innocence was worn properly and right, making her all the more appealing to me. I couldn't help the familiar satisfaction that washed over me when she pleaded with those icy blue eyes.

The thought of killing her didn't satisfy me though.

Something about her was very inviting to me, drawing me in without trying the slightest. She obviously wanted to be as far away from me as she could possibly get, with good reason. But I can't shake the thoughts of her, it's driving me crazy. It's almost constant that I find myself thinking back to the very short, three interactions I've had with the girl.

Typically I wasn't even that caring of a person, mostly always putting myself before others. Rosie Mae made me care a little, a feeling I have little to no experience with. She made me want to smile when she smiled, even if it wasn't at me. She made me hesitate to do her harm, something I've never done before...no matter who they are to me.  I don't understand it.

I also don't understand how the hell Blake pulled a ten as his first girlfriend. He'd better keep a tight hold on Rosie because I highly doubt there's any possibility of an upgrade after her.

"Because she's Blake's girlfriend, right?" Cory asked me when I still had yet to reply, settling back in his chair as he did so. "That's why you won't do anything."

"Fuck Blake's feelings." I huffed with a slight laugh. I loved my brother, of course. But this was not the reason I didn't want to kill her...I didn't want to kill her because I have an undying urge to be around her that I can't explain. There was a gravitational pull that made my body want to lead me to Rosie. It didn't bother me that Blake was dating her, I knew I was the more dangerous, yet better choice. It did bother me that having her wouldn't be an option because of what she witnessed me almost do.  "It's not like they'd be together forever anyway."

"Ohhh..." Cory nods slowly as if coming to some realization. "I see what's going on now." My eyes rows raised, looking at him expectantly, curious to hear what he thought was happening here. "She is quite pretty."

A shit eating grin spread across my face at his statement, not denying what he was implying; that I won't kill her because I like her. Cory simply shooting his head with a chuckle, clearly not surprised. "If you won't kill her, Eric," he began, becoming a little more serious again. "You at least have to get her attention. Make sure she believes that her life is over if she talks"

I couldn't contradict anything he said. He was right. He needed to make sure Rosie Mae wouldn't even think of telling anyone anything even a slight detail. "How do you suppose I do that?" I asked him, tapping my fingers gently against my knee, a bad habit I tended to have when I had a lot on my plate.

"Jeremy." Cory stated

Kale is the man I answer to or I guess you could say work for. About a week ago, when finding out Cory and I would be heading back to our home town, Kale told Cory and I that he had some business us two needed to handle while there. That business being this Jermey. Kale always left out the details as to why we ever go after someone, we didn't really need to know anyway. It wasn't personal for neither Cory or me, we just wanted Kale to run us our money when the deed was done. Kale kept it as blatantly to say things such as, "this is Jeremy's address. Here's some information about him. Kill him. Call me back on this number, not any other number, when it's done."

Let's just say that Cory and I do whatever Kale instructs us to do...each of us getting a very large sum of money in return. The drugs brought in good cash flow, but the tasks Kale asked of us is where the money was really at. Sure, selling drugs could land the two in jail but the things they did for Kale could get them a life sentence or be dead men walking. Cory was very smart and tedious when it came to his work, which is where his frustration came from when Rosie barged in that bedroom. Maybe a party was a pretty adventurous destination to choose but I liked to keep it little exciting ever now and then.

"We're going after him tomorrow anyway." Cory continues. "Let's give Rosie a little surprise by letting her tag along. After seeing that...there's no way she'd ever say a word."

I let the thought float around a bit, contemplating the idea of doing it. Rosie had already seen him in action, no where near the extent she'd see with Jeremy, but none the less...this may be the only way to ensure me and Cory's names to stay clear. "Let's do it." I finally settled on a decision with a sigh.

To be completely honest, I wasn't necessarily enjoying the thought of having to kill Jeremy in front of Rosie. Had I met her under different circumstances...I probably would've did everything in my power to keep the girl from finding any negative thing out about me. Maybe I'd pretend to be some ideal perfect guy, making her want to be around me. Then maybe I'd get her to fall in love with me, making all my impossible chances with Rosie possible. That wasn't my reality though. This is.

Which is why I will brutally murder Jeremy instead of doing it an easy way.

The more she hates me the better it is for the both of us. I needed more ways to try to get the thoughts of Rosie out of my head. This was a perfect way to do so.

"Only thing is..." Cory said, "how do we get her there?"

"Don't worry about that part."

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