Imagine 27: Nightmares Never End🩸

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pairing: Evil! soul owned! revenge seeking! Y/N x Evil! Alastor

*summary: Y/N is Alastor's fiancé, his equal in all...quite literally. Both their intentions are to overthrow Hell's king and family, and rise to be the new rulers of all Hell...*


Lyrics have been slightly altered to better fit this imagine.

*Your POV*

The clock strikes 1:00 in the morning, it's bell dinging as it pulls you out of your restful slumber.
You rise from your bed fit for two, simply wearing a black nightgown with lace trimming and spaghetti straps. You don't bother to wear slippers; you enjoy the chill of the floor on your skin.

Tying a knot around your waist, you brush your hair aside as you leave the darkness of your bedroom to enter the balcony, being hit with a blow of wind that smells of Hell's scents.

You step closer to the balcony, hands resting on top the stone railing, while red roses grow in flower boxes that hang off the railing, dangling. One little bump, and the flowers will fall. Down...down...down...into the place that is Pentagram city.

Extending a hand, you pick a rose, touching its petals as if it's a delicate little thing needing gentle care. Though with one simple caress on a single petal, the flower wilts within seconds. Drying up before crumpling, its detached pieces blowing in the wind away from you.

You smirk a little, your eyes catching glance of the clockwork tower in the center of the city, an hourglass placed on top as a timer sits underneath, reading 257 days.

257 days before the next joyful slaughter will begin. When angry angels will fly down like predatory birds and kill any sinner they see in sight, no hesitation, no sympathy.

Quite a fun thing to watch from afar. Though it was something you used to hate before...
Before...he found you.

You look behind you, staring through the French glass doors to look for the glowing color of crimson eyes that seem to stalk your every move. But you don't mind it. You like it when those blood hungry, obsessive, passionate eyes look at you. Makes you feel like a real woman, if you want to be honest. 

When you see no flicker of red, you bring your attention back to the poor city that you are forced to live in, just like everyone else here.

With proper ruling...these demons will be little sheep following there Shepard's every move, waiting in patience for the scraps that fuels their addictions, doing a Shepard's every demand if it means that they are given the one thing that makes them go numb, makes them even more dead inside, all the while makes them feel more alive than ever before.

All demons are addicts. And when there is an addict, there is a puppet, willing to dance for anyone if they can feel whole with whatever substance they are addicted to.

What a waste of a power source...imagine the things you and your fiancé could succeed in being such rulers of a place like this?
Though to your distaste, such power is held by one...

Lucifer Morningstar.

An Angel casted out of Heaven's light from giving Eve the power of freewill, disrupting the order and balance Heaven and its Elders worked centuries to keep protected.
All from one careless angel...and the root of evil was born.

Alastor x Reader Imagines❤ ✔[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now