chapter 13

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Taegan's POV

"Do you have a ruler by any chance, Taegan?"

The voice sends electric waves down my body. My heart beat races, eyes gets widen, cheeks gets flushed and my lips start to tremble. Did he actually ask a ruler from me???


I am sorry but you can understand the intensity of the scene, can't you??? He just asked me for my ruler! I turn around to the direction of the voice and that's when I see him. That's when I get lost. Those dark blue eyes, silky dark hair and those hot attractive white specs. Just when I thought he couldn't look more handsome, he smiles. He smiles, making eye contact with me and shows me his perfectly stretched dimples! okayy....bye bye world. See you in after world.

But is there any need of after world?! He just shows me heaven every time I stare or try to steal gazes of him.

Duke Reynolds. My high school and elementary crush. The crush that makes my heart beat like crazy and touches my heart whenever my eyes find his. How can someone be so nerdy and look so handsome at the same time?

It was Grade 4, when I randomly confessed his name at a truth and dare game to my friends. He was someone I appreciated and admired. Perfect grades, perfect face and that killer dimples. After I slipped out his name, I figured that yeah, i actually don't admire him.....I fucking like him. And then my crush deepened when he started wearing specs. No one can excel specs like the way he can. He looks a Zara Model, I swear!

That's when a elbow bumps at mine and I look at my side to find Naresssa throwing dragers at me. She gestures at Duke who seems to be still waiting for my answer. I blink away my thoughts and say in a low, whispered nervous thought, "I am sorry. What did you say?"

"Ruler. Do you have one?"

OH YES! RULER. Me and Naressa are doing Mr.Bob's maths class. Lucky for me, I get to share the class with Duke. I smile at him and immediately pass my ruler to him while he smiles taking it.

"Are you sure, you don't need it though?" He asks while I shake my head sheepishly. He nods his head and continues doing his Maths classwork using my ruler. Oh my god. he is using my ruler! I turn back and straighten in my seat, smiling. Naressa comes closer to me and whispers in my ear, giggling "Whipped in love, aren't you?"

"Shhhh!" I whisper yell at her while she smirks looking down at her assignment

Class ends after 20 minutes when Duke stands up, extending my ruler back at me and smiling at me. "Thanks for your help, Taegan. Must appreciated"

I nod my head back awkwardly while Naressa looks at me and sighs. She then looks at Duke and smiles, "Duke, Why don't you join us at break in the cafeteria today?"

My eyes widen hearing her while I elbow her nervously and she totally fucking ignores me. This girl! Duke shratches his head nervously and says "Thanks for the offer but..........."


We look at the door to find a petite girl, wearing a crop top and jeans, smiling and running towards Duke while she links her arms to him. Rebbeca. Duke's so called friend. The friend who's been trying to hit on him since ages and hanging around like a bee. Not a girlfriend but a wanna. She takes a glance at me and then rolls her eyes, getting her attention back to Duke. Bitch

"Duke. Come on. You promised you would help me in my chemistry homework. You need to help me or Miss Cennie would throw me out of the class today" She pouts and gives those lingering puppy eyes to Duke while Duke shrugs and nods his head.

𝓜𝓘𝓢𝓙𝓤𝓓𝓖𝓔𝓓 (Love, Lust & War 1)Where stories live. Discover now