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[NAME] SIGHS as she relaxes into the large bath tub resting within the German wing bathrooms. Her hair was (short enough to not touch the water/put up using a claw clip so it wouldn't get wet) and she further sinks down to be fully embraced by the water's warmth.

'I'm so tired...' the girl thinks. 'I need a day off...'

'But it's the medical field...I won't have off days...right...?'

'I wanna sleep...'

Her eyes slowly flicker closed, but then a loud voice made her sit up.

"—And then, he, oh?" Aashi smiles widely at [Name]. "Hey, [Name]! How are you on this fine morning?"

"M' tired..." she yawns. "You?"

"I'm ready to take on the world!" She clenches her fist proudly.

"...As much as I enjoy your energy, Aashi-chan...what's got you so happy?" The Isagi girl asks.

As Aashi sits in the tub across from [Name], she claps her hands softly, "The conclusion to my favorite movie is coming out soon!"

[Name] chuckles softly, feeling a bit more awake from Aashi's infectious enthusiasm. "I'm glad something's got you in high spirits."

Aashi nods eagerly, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Yeah, I've been waiting for this for so long! I even got tickets to see the premiere!!"

"What's the movie called?"

Aashi grins, splashing some water playfully. "Do you know Baahubali?"

"Yes," [Name] gasps, "I watched the first part and fell in love immediately."

Aashi's grin widens, clearly pleased by [Name]'s excitement. "AAH! Finally someone who gets it! It's called Baahubali: The Conclusion! I have been WAITING to see how the story ends."

[Name] nods enthusiastically, her interest piqued. "Same!"

Aashi nods eagerly, splashing a bit more water in her excitement. "We can watch it together and geek out about it!!"

[Name] grins, feeling a sense of joy with her friend. "Sounds like a plan!" But then her smile fades, "Wait...but we're in Blue Lock. We can't leave..."

Aashi's world falls apart as she remembers that she booked the tickets before her internship.

"NOOOOOOOO!" She cries out dramatically. "I wanted to see the ending...wahh..."

The Isagi girl giggles, "Maybe if we beg hard enough, Ego and Anri will let us leave for the day! We can invite Yuki, too!"

As they continue to chat about their shared love for movies and immerse themselves in the warm embrace of the bath, [Name] can't help but feel grateful for moments like these—moments of relaxation and joy shared with a cherished friend.

[Name] leans back against the tub, feeling the tension in her muscles start to melt away. "I wish I had the energy today. I feel like I could sleep for a week."

Aashi tilts her head sympathetically. "Being a physio is hard work I bet."

[Name] nods, letting out a tired sigh. "Yeah, it's been non-stop with reporting and restocking. But I guess that's just the nature of the job."

Aashi nods understandingly, her expression turning serious. "Well, just remember to take care of yourself, okay? You can't help others if you're running on empty."

[Name] smiles gratefully at her friend's words. "Thanks, Aashi-chan. I'll keep that in mind. By the way, any new patients?"

"Not really," she smiles, "It's usually Tokimitsu, Rin, and I."

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