Planets in the Aetherian Dimension

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The Aetherian Dimension is a weird place. The above here is a map of it, and as you probably guessed from the cover, the ones I'm mainly going to write about are Zyonite and Nogramis.

Underlöfen, Wanderlöfen, and Dullen Giant (+ Cheese Moon)

In my world, there are four dimensions. Earth, Aetheria, Underlöfen and Wanderlöfen. In each dimension, there are 3 planets that represent the other dimensions in a chosen solar system, and in this map the chosen ones are the suitably names Underlöfen and Wanderlöfen, and Dullen giant. Dullen giant is unlivable due to how barren of life the actual Earth Dimension is.

Underlöfen, is a land of ghosts, and as it is the smallest of the dimensions and can't fit as many civilians as the others (despite having the most), so the dead now have to go to the planet Underlöfen to wander around until they perish. However, the planet spikes in population after the Black Hole Awakening kills off most of the solar system, and most ghosts now have to wander around on the remains of their own planets.

Wanderlöfen is the land of life. Pets and sapient robots get sent there after their respective owner has passed away, to keep them from becoming lonely. Hybrids, such as the Nurians, (and land-sky hybrids, although they are less common and only live on Wanderlöfen unlike the Nurians) are also created and settled there. Beautiful weather and nature phenomenons happen there too, that astronauts take photos of and send to their home planets to make so much money because that's how gorgeous they are. However, no living being not created there (or reincarnated there) can step foot there, otherwise, it will be evascirated. The same goes for Underlöfen, but with the alive.

There have been stories on overly-zealous individuals who believe Wanderlöfen is the equivalent to paradise, and genetically mutated themselves into pets and send themselves off to shelters hoping that the owner would die as quickly as possible, only to be warped into the Vortex's space-time chamber for eternity. Nobody knows if these stories are true, and if hey are, then nobody knows what happens to them in the chamber.

The Dullen Giant is , aforementioned, uninhabitable. The only slivers of life that live there are the immortal, invincible but also tiny, ironically named Gargantu-geos. (To represent how large and barren planets on Earth Dimension are) Even then, it is a huge, swampy land with nothing to see for miles, and as it has no atmosphere, it is basked in an eternal night (much like Ninevaal)

The Cheese Moon is an artificial moon that was created by a stupid line of scientists by taking a large meteor and injecting cheese into the craters, thinking it could be used as food rations if a cataclysmic event happened. After launching it into The Great Space, half of the moon rotted immediately and became known as the Toxic side of the moon. (This was used as a particular execution ground after the Black Hole Awakening happened)

Portal is one of the largest portals in the universe. It transports people from the chosen planets to the actual dimensions they are based off of. Portals in the Aetherian Dimension are mostly multi-place and all of them have a holo-menu detailing where you would like to go. There are some underground as well, but they launch you into the sky above the portal once you leave it. There have been many fatalities from surprise underground portals in the Aetherian Dimension.

Celan, Mount Sapphagloom, Nautica, and the Geo-belt

Celan is the planet of Time. Every 15 or so years that go by, a small handful of people get teleported to Celan to live forever, trapped in time so nobody ages. This has happened for billions of years, and even though the planet is far overpopulated by now, people continue to live there on harmony, unaware of the world beyond. Most Dimensioners are unaware of this planet, but those who do tend to be people who are related to the taken. There was once a party of people who discovered time-travel and made a club and that discovery wrecked the planet of Celan so badly the forces of time had to obliberate the city in which the headquarters were placed, leading to a mass-massacre and a decade of paranoia among scientists and civilians alike. The Celanders had to send a message to the other planets to explain what had happened in order to stop wars from happening.

Mount Sapphagloom is where Dwarvenkind are created and settled. The mineral Gloomtaz, used for Dwarven pickaxes and weaponry, is only found there. The cold, harsh climate and unique gemstones make immigrant Dwarves in other planets strong, hardy, and great when it comes to making and using weapons. There are a small amount of Aetherians living there, mainly warriors and soldiers who train in the freezing temperatures and learn how to use Gloomtaz weapons to the best of their abilities. There's also lots of echoing caves in Mount Sapphagloom, and since some battles take place in high-echoing caves Gloomtaz bells can be used as weapons to deafen the enemy, which is why bell-hats are often worn as self-defense among Dwarves. (And why most retired warriors are deaf)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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