Believe Me Now?

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Chapter Seven:
   Rosie Mae's POV

It was unattainable to wrap my mind around what happened. It felt like only minutes but hours at the same time.

Like a fever dream.

I knew it had in fact happened and wasn't a dream but it just didn't seem real. Even with the mental image of the dead man laying there, so close to me that in just a few strides I could have been next to him.

When I woke up in what I figured to be Eric's room, I nearly jumped out of my skin, knowing Blake would be just down the hall in his own bedroom.

"Don't worry" Eric told me from his seat in the recliner in the corner of the bedroom. "We're not in my bedroom at my parents place." He let out a chuckle. "We're at Cory's house."

The way he said it was so nonchalantly, as if nothing happened and there was nothing to be said in any regard to it. I wasn't one to move on from things so quickly, not even little this, more than anything, wouldn't be a time where I just brushed something under the rug.

What planet was this man actually living on? Truly?

The fear I once had of Eric was now far greater, not anticipating for it to grow what so ever. I couldn't look at him without replaying him murdering that poor man in my head.

I still felt sick to my stomach.

He was clean. Really clean. His hair was still a little damp from what looked like a recent shower. His clothes were fresh as well, right off the rack fresh, now wearing a pair of tan joggers and a black hoodie. It was plain as day that the evidence anywhere was wiped spotless.

Even after last night, I still found him to be stunningly handsome.

"Well..." Eric began after I had said nothing, not knowing if I needed to speak a word to him...or what to even say at that. "Do you believe me now, Rosie Mae?" He finished.

My eyes found him again, only to be shown a quite smug and know all expression from his relaxed demeanor in the chair. For the first time, I began to feel anger alongside the fear I had of him.

Everyone sees documentaries or hears about how it's possible for a human being to be so cold, but never is one convinced that it would ever occur in their life. To have it so close to you, right in your face all the time wasn't supposed to be in the cards for me just like anyone else.

He had put on this production, this show, to get me to believe him? As if I had any doubt in me before? What happened to our deal? Last I recall, we were in an agreement for me not to talk and him not to kill me. How was this fair? But how could I expect fair out of someone who was literally insane?

I missed Blake. All I wanted to do was be in his arms. He was probably worried sick about me, having not heard from me at all since leaving yesterday evening. This just reminded me that I'd have to come up with another lie as to why I hadn't texted him back all night and morning.

I wish everything could go back to the way it used to be. Just Blake and I, happy in our basic, sweet relationship. I should've been more thankful for my quiet life then.

"I always believed you." I finally answered him.

Although my credibility is shot, there was honestly a slight comforting feeling in knowing that he wasn't going to kill me. I'm sure he would've already if that was the plan? Eric didn't peg me as the type of man to prolong that if that was something he wanted to do. The fear I have isn't so much so for me, but for the world around Eric.

"We know that for sure now, don't we?" Eric asked. I could've swore there was a hint of mockery in there.

I hated the way he stood ever so slowly, arms braced against the armrests of the chair he's getting out of. The corner of his lips tugged upwards into a small smirk.

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