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[NAME] SITS ALONE IN HER ROOM,  her morning thoughts consumed by the recent encounter with Kaiser and the hurtful words he had spoken. She can't shake the feeling of rejection that still lingers, like a dark cloud hanging over her head.

"You're a burden."

"A nuisance in my way of becoming the best in the world."

"You're a waste of time, [Name]. Get out of my sight."

The tired girl sighs. 'His words still echo in my mind like a siren's call...This feels awful...' She feels her eyes welling up with tears again.

'He...probably hates me now...Was I being too pushy?'

Just then, Yoichi bursts into the room, his expression stormy and his eyes blazing with anger.

The girl widens her eyes, small tears escaping them as she drawled a slightly fearful. "Nii-chan..?"

He glares at [Name], his fists clenched at his sides as he takes in her troubled demeanor.

"What were you thinking, [Name]?" Yoichi's voice is sharp, cutting through the silence like a knife. This makes her flinch a bit. "I told you to stay away from Kaiser, but no matter what I tell you, you just can't seem to listen, huh?"

[Name] bristles at his accusatory tone, her own frustration bubbling to the surface. "I can hang out with whoever I want, Yoichi! It's always been like this! At home, at school, and now here! You don't get to tell me what to do!"

Yoichi's eyes narrow, his temper flaring. "This isn't about telling you what to do, [Name]. It's about keeping you safe! Kaiser is bad news, and I won't stand by and watch you get hurt because of him! Can't you understand where I'm coming from?!"

[Name] stands up, her own anger matching Yoichi's in intensity. "He's not as bad as you think, Nii-chan! Sure, he may be rude and cocky, but he's a nice guy! I've seen it for myself!"

Yoichi scoffs, disbelief written plainly on his face. "Oh please, [Name]. Don't be naive. Kaiser is trouble, and you're too blind to see it! You don't think I heard the little argument you both had on the field after the game?!"

She stops, "...you heard all that..?" the words escape her lips in a whispered tone.

Yoichi sighs, "I have. You know I always keep an ear open for you, [N/n]." He sees his sister's sorrow and felt his heart squeeze. "Oh, [Name]..."

He looks down, "I'm really sorry for yelling at you..."Yoichi sits beside her and pulls her into a hug. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

[Name] leans into Yoichi's hug, feeling the weight of her emotions lifting slightly in his comforting embrace. She sniffles, wiping away the tears that stain her cheeks, and nods.

"Yeah... I guess I do," she admits softly, her voice shaky with emotion.

Yoichi squeezes her gently before releasing her from the hug, giving her space to speak. He listens attentively as [Name] recounts the events of her encounter with Kaiser, her voice wavering with each painful memory.

"He... he said such awful things, Nii-chan," [Name] confesses, her voice barely above a whisper. "I thought we were friends, but... now I don't know what to think."

"Maybe I was being too pushy about helping him." She buries herself in Yoichi's chest. "I'm the absolute worst..."

Yoichi's expression softens, his heart aching for his sister's pain. "No. You're anything but that. Don't say that about yourself, [N/n]," He smiles gently, caressing her head.

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