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BACK TO THE MEDICAL WARD she was. [Name] takes a sip of water from her water bottle as she registered her physicals for the next month or so. Her fingers zoom across the letters like a slinky would around a house making the urge to complete her work grow.

'Come to think of it...' [Name] ponders. 'I haven't called Julian in a while! I do have some time on my hands so...' She scrolls through her contacts and smiles upon seeing his name.

She taps it and waits for him to answer.

"Hello, [Name]."

The young doctor gasps as she hears a familiar voice near her clear as day, not affected by the static of her phone.

There stands a tall, young man sporting a PXG tracksuit.

He smiles at [Name], before showing his ringing phone with her contact info buzzing on it. "Hey."

She gapes before standing up from her seat, dropping her phone, and smiling so widely that her cheeks started to hurt. "JULIAN?" She leaps into his arms and he spins her around happily, letting out chuckles along with her.

"You are Julian, right?" She gushes. "Whoa! I did not expect you to be so tall—let alone a soccer player! Are you one of the players for PXG?"

"Nah. I'm the coach!" He chirps happily, ruffling the girl's hair.

"That's EVEN MORE COOL! Well, welcome to the medical ward!" She smiles. "Anything I can do for you?"

"Well, yes," he nods, "I came to ask if you could head to the France Wing with me. Charles injured himself—or we think he injured himself—during the last match with Manshine. We need to check his condition just incase."

"Isn't he the same guy who popped his ankle on the first day?" [Name] frowns.

Julian stops and frowns slightly, "...Sorry to be so pushy."

"What? Of course you're not pushy! You're literally just asking me to do my job," [Name] dashes to get her medical bag. Once she arrives, she gives Julian a peace sign.

"Okay! To the France stratum!"

Julian lets out a laugh.

As they make their way to the France Wing of Blue Lock, [Name] takes in her surroundings with keen interest. Unlike the German Wing, which exudes an air of discipline and precision, the France Wing has a more cooling atmosphere.

They make it to the field and [Name] sees a few player guiding a slightly shorter boy to the bench, helping him rest his foot there.

"Oh! The physio's here!" A green-eyed boy alerts the players and they blink, seeing a girl in scrubs walking in with their coach.

Charles widens his eyes as he sees her. 'There she is...'

Call it love at first sight, but when Charles woke up on that bed, he saw an angel nursing him back to health—prove him wrong. His heart flutters and his eyes shimmer as she throws him a smile, kneeling near the bench to see his ankle.

"Hey there," she starts. "You feeling okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine..." He scratches his neck sheepishly.

"What happened?" [Name] asks him kindly.

"Well, um, when I was passing the ball, there was this, like, popping sound, and then suddenly my ankle started hurting really bad. It's kinda hard to explain exactly what happened." He informs the doctor.

"I-I-Is he gonna..." She quiets Tokimitsu down.

"He's fine...It's simply like a small bruise..." She hides her deadpanned expression.

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