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KAISER AND [NAME] stare each other down with fierce glints in both of their eyes. Their feelings simmer to the top like lava does within a volcano. They practically shot daggers into each other with those stares — anyone getting caught up in this mess would surely regret stumbling upon this.

It was only a matter of time before their feelings erupt from their very cores.

Michael was irritated, so irritated, his frustration simmering beneath the surface the longer he stared at the girl before him. He couldn't shake the feeling of longing that consumed him whenever he thought about [Name]. It pained him that she couldn't see how deeply he cared for her, how much he yearned for her presence.

Every time he was near her, his heart raced, his palms grew sweaty, and his mind went blank. He wanted to reach out to her, to hold her close and tell her how he felt. But the fear of rejection held him back, trapping his emotions inside like a caged bird.

Yes, even the great "Emperor" Michael Kaiser can get reduced to feelings like lovesickness.

[Name] stares (up/down/straight) at him curiously, oblivious to his inner turmoil.

"Can't you see?" he mutters out after her worried inquiry.

"Kaiser?" she furrows her brows, confusion clouding her features. Her anger soon decimates into clear confusion, but she couldn't deny the wild racing of her heart.

"Can't you understand that I like you?!" he blurts out, the words escaping before he can stop them. Kaiser's expression shifts, his angry demeanor softening slightly as he waits for her response, his heart pounding with anticipation.

"Kaiser?!" She couldn't help but yell.

He clears his throat, trying to maintain his composure despite the vulnerability he feels in admitting his feelings.

Well, there's no going back now.

"I know it's unexpected," he continues, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I can't help how I feel. [Name]... you mean more to me than I ever thought possible."

"All of those things that I told you—they aren't and won't ever be true."

[Name]'s face heats up immensely at his flushed expression. Seeing Kaiser so vulnerable made her feel so elated inside.

He looks so...adorable.

"I..." she starts off, looking away from him. "Kaiser..."

After [Name] gains the courage to look at him once more, but instead of her prior frustration and anger, she smiles softly—full of warmth and affection.

The feelings she had been harboring for some time now...are being reciprocated. How could she still be angry at him?

"...I..." She starts before giggling like a small child, "I like you, too."

Kaiser's eyes widen in surprise at [Name]'s confession, his heart skipping a beat at her words. He can hardly believe what he's hearing, his mind reeling with disbelief and joy.

"You do?" he breathes out.

[Name] nods, her cheeks flushing even deeper as she meets his gaze. "Yes, Kaiser. I do."

A wave of relief washes over him, and he can't help but grin like a fool, his heart swelling with happiness at the realization that [Name] feels the same way about him.

Without a second thought, he closes the distance between them, wrapping his arms around her in a tight embrace, holding her close as if he never wants to let her go.

"I'm so glad," he murmurs.

[Name] leans into his embrace, feeling a sense of contentment wash over her as she rests her head against his (chest/head/shoulder), feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest.

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