The beautiful diamond kingdom

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At first, there was a queen, that leaded the diamond kingdom.
The queen made everything everyday, to make the perfect kingdom,
The queen fighted so much, only to protect her kingdom.
But one day, the queen got cursed by a women, that was at the bad side of the diamond kingdom.
The queen, started to get really sick, and she was starting to treat her maids really really bad.
Since that time, there was a war, that was killing so many innocent people.
But there was an angel, called langel, that protected and took the innocent people with her.
And fighted until the bad side got down, but only for some years..

After the war, langel was sent to heaven again, and the diamond kingdom was peaceful.
But in 9 years, the bad side returned, and a war started again, langel was not so strong like she
Was in the last war, she was a little weak. But strong enough to end the war, the war lasted YEARS, exactly 10 years of pure war.
Langel made her best, but it wasn't enough. Langel called other angel on the war, and
Again, they won.

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