AnotherWorld: ORIGINAL

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AnotherWorld: Original.

{ Worldbuilding}

This is the main universe of AnotherWorld.

• Worldbuilding: Modern Fantasy

"A world of chosen immortals to balance out the world from evil corruption."

The civilization was divided into two simple categories.

  • Immortals: The ones who were bestowed by nature to serve and protect the mortal from danger and corruption. Powers and Ability will come at them at unexpected times.

• Mortals: The ones who do not have any abilities or powers a.k.a a normal human

It lies around the same earth, universe, and system solar. But some places, are quite mythical. Most were made by the immortals. Some of the places were advanced with technologies like nowadays, and some of them still were hindered in techs. As a result, they stayed with traditional cultures and ways of life.

Half of the population will acknowledge the presence of immortals. Mostly at popular cities, accessible villages, urban places, and more. The other halves were the places that were isolated and off-grid. And the ones who rebel and are arrogant, refuse of immortals' help. Most likely to get corrupted.
(They became the source of this corruption)

How they got the powers:

• Most immortals will be selected based on their worth. As a mortal first. Based on the sacrifices they made when they were human, they internally proved that they had pure hearts. Nature immediately gave them the power and ability to go further with their good deeds.

  • Example: Sacrificing life, money, opportunity, etc to someone or more who was in real need in a desperate moment.

  How will they know:

  • There will be a specific hint or a gut feeling they will detect. Their vision will be blurred as their mind projects a single picture of a random item or things that are related to them. ( Roses, Emeralds, Lilies, amethyst, foxes, books )  sentimentally represent themselves. And they immediately knew they were bestowed.
Their duties:

• When the bestowed process occurs, the immortal in question will know what they are supposed to do, why they are ordered to do that, and how they were going to do that. The information will sink into their mind and the mind will act normal (mental). But their body needed some time to digest it. To overcome this, training frequently will do a lot (physical).

•Most duties will be suitable with bestowed powers.


• Immortal can't die due to natural causes. (Sickness, small infections, poison, choking, drowning, and small stabbing with normal

• They can only die by other immortals' powers. ( Magic, curse, their specific weapons)

• They can die of beheading. Because they can't regenerate the brain.

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