Keep Your Hands To Yourself

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Chapter Nine:
     Rosie Mae's POV

The tension between the two brothers was growing thick within just a couple days. I had noticed it when I arrived at Faiths house the other night. Ever since, Blake has been going to extreme lengths to keep out of Eric's path.

Something had to of happened for them to act so hostile towards each other. But both men were closed books when it came to feelings, especially when it came to things they cared about. Both of them were stubborn in different ways. To an outsider, it appeared that they were two very different people but also two very similar people...and they both hated those similarities.

I couldn't really complain, considering Blake avoiding Eric just gives me all the more of an excuse to stay away as well.

The way Eric randomly popped up made my entire day, every day, full of anxiety, wondering rather or not he will appear near me again. I caught myself constantly looking over my shoulder, always checking my surroundings.

My mind always on the next interaction with him, I never feel fully present in the moment I'm in. The books I read, no longer being read due to scary thoughts and feelings. The music I listen to, now being drowned out by the sound of his voice in my head, speaking in loops. Conversations with pretty much anyone, overridden by remembering previous ones with him.

Eric was slowly and intentionally taking over my entire life and mind.

And I am out of control.

"Hello?" I say into my phone when my Instagram scrolling was interrupted by a call from an unknown number.

"Hello, Rosie Mae."

I sat up in my bed at the sound of his raspy voice, turning on the lamp on my bedside table. It was like he knew I was anticipating the next time I talk to him.

"How did you get my number?" Is the first thing I ask, a call from him being what I expected the least. He did like a good shock factor though, maybe I actually should've expected it.

"I took your phone, remember?"

"What do you want?"

A chuckle sounds through the phone. His intimidating presence wasn't there to keep my mind off that deep voice and attractive chuckle. My body couldn't help but to shudder when it reached my ears.

"It's Christmas time, Rosie. Be a little sweeter."

The irony in his response makes me scoff. "I could say the same to you." I let out a sigh, tucking my messy hair behind my ear. "Seriously, what do you want?"

"I got a little bored. So I thought I might bother you some."

I've always loved my rooms cozy touch. Fuzzy blankets, fluffy lounge chairs, a little book nook I made myself, dim lighting and a pine scented candle to give it that extra warm feeling. If it wasn't for not wanting to be home with my mom ever, I'd be home all the my room, reading a good story and munching on unhealthy snacks.

When I am home, this is where I want to be. On my bed, in my room. I am fearful Eric is going to take this safety zone away from me too.

In my head, I knew the life and comfortability I desired. Reaching that felt impossible. At this point, I wanted to move states after graduation, start a whole new life that I wanted. All this time I've been working towards whatever else is out there for me. The wrench Eric has thrown at my life has now left me stagnant, knowing my future depends on whatever and wherever Eric is leading me to.

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