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  "Harmoni, slow down! Take a breath you're doing a good job!" Travis assured her. She was frantic right now. She was all over the place and was trying to do multiple things at once. The fundraiser had just gotten started over 2 hrs ago and she was just hoping and praying these days did them some justice.

"Im sorry." She sighed. She only had on some shorts that were ripped in the front along with a green bikini top. She was told green looked good on her dark skin so thats what she went with. She could tell alot of the men agreed by the whistles and cat calls she entertained most just for the donations. "Let me go see if Whit needs help." She said getting ready to go over toward Whitney who was washing a car but Travis stopped her making her sit back down in the chair by the container of money.

"What you need to do is relax if she need help she'll ask. Her hoe ass look like she's having fun anyway." Watching as Whit dramatically put the soaps suds all over herself.

"Do not call her that." Harmoni said cutting her eyes at him. Travis just waved her off before going over to assist somebody in washing the cars. "Hey Amber keep an eye on this while i make sure everything in the cafe is good." Harmoni said as she stood up trying to sneak off before Travis seen her.

"I gotchu." Amber assured before taking Harmoni's place.

Harmoni had made her way to the cafe and seen it was just as many people in there than it was outside. Alot of people had parked there car and went inside to eat as they waited for their car to be washed. Harmoni smiled and waved at the customers as she passed by them and headed toward the kitchen.

"Hey T you good back here?" She asked as Tony continued to cool the food.


"Dad? You okay?" She asked smiling at Henry who came out to help cook and serve knowing that it could be alot and knowing they didn't have much staff.

"You know im straight, how's it going out there?" He asked as he glanced over at her before putting his attention back on the food.

"Good, we've made alot of money but no where ne-"

"It's just the first day Moni, relax." He said cutting her off.

"You're right." She sighed before turning around and going bout out towards the floor. She saw Dylani sitting in his same seat looking out of the window toward the fundraiser she made her way over to him before taking a seat across from him. "You know you could go out there right?" She asked.

"What im going out there for?" He asked as he ran his tongue over his bottom lip as he eyes her attire. The green bikini she had on complimented her skin ton and displayed how nice her titties sat up.

"You could get your car washed, or you could go wash a car you know how many people would pay to see you wash their car?" She admitted making him look at her with low eyes.

"What you trying to say Harmoni?" He asked tilting his head just a tad.

"We both grown." She shrugged. "You're fine as hell, you know that, i know that, and we both know they know that." She shrugged. He could bring in a load of money.

"Preciate it, but nah. I told you thats not my thing." He shrugged as he looked into her eyes causing her to look away and toward outside at the cars being washed.

"What is your thing?" She asked still not looking at him.

"Eye contact. I don't like talking to to the side of someone's face." He answered.

"I didn't asked what you like, i asked what was your thing." She said looking over at him.

"Eye contact is my thing" He shrugged. "Harmoni."

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