Chapter 18

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Taegan's POV

I know I know, asking Mario about Trevor is not a great idea. Hell, asking anyone about Trevor is not a good idea but my curiosity always gets the best of me.

As soon as the statement slips from my mouth, Mario turns pale.

Did I say something wrong?

"Uhmmm....Mario?" He blinks his eyes and looks away from me nervously.

"Everything okay?" I ask while he nods, his hand in his jeans pocket.

Mario clears his throat and looks at me. "Why do you wanna know about him?"

"I was just curious. I mean I don't know if anyone knows about the cafeteria incid...."

"Everyone knows" He finishes for me and I stare at him with amusement.

"They know?" I ask as he nods. I bury my hand in my face and shakes my head. "This is embarrassing" 

Mario removes my hand from my face and gives me a smile. "Your face is too beautiful to hide"

"I just can't believe everyone in commerce knows" I frown.

"Not to scare or freak you out, but I guess the whole school knows by now"

My eyes widen and I gasp.

"What?!" I whine. Mario sighs and looks at me. "You wanna know about Trevor? Here's an advise. Stay away from him"

Why does everyone keep saying that? I went out with Taegan. Not in that way lol. But I spend time with him. I texted with him. He's not that bad, everyone portrays, is he now? Even Sarang liked him.

"Why do you say that? Isn't he the captain of your cricket team?"

Mario rolls his eyes and speaks with hatred, visible in his eyes. " He is the captain that's why I know him. He doesn't care about anyone but him, Taegan!"

Then why did he run after me on the terrace? Why did he help me dealt with my panic attack? Who is the real you, Trevor? The one you show me or the one everyone is trying to show me?

"Taegan" I look at Mario as he puts his hands on my shoulder. "He's not good for you. Please don't get involved with him for your sake""

I nod my head slowly and smile at him. Mario smiles seeing my one.

"Heard you tried threesome with Duke Reynolds?" Mario asks out of nowhere.

I gasp and smack him on the arm with my notebook while he laughs.

"See you! I need to find Naressa and talk to her regarding the maths homework" I say.

"The old enemy, maths?"

"Forever, old enemy!" I chuckle, making him laugh too. "See you around" Mario says and I wave at him and start to walk ahead.


I turn around and look at Mario. He smiles. "Accounting is a skill you excel. Never let anyone use that against you"

I raise my brow at him, confused while he waves at me and turns to walk in the opposite direction.


I had called Naressa about her whereabouts. She asked me to meet her at the school garden. I clutch my backpack and pass through the school ground when I see Trevor in his track suit with a guy in the ground. I step closer to the fences to take a closer look. Trevor looks hot in his track suit. Trevor's training the other guy who seems to be too familiar. Who is he even? Did I meet him?

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!! Jump the fuck up, Varol!!!" He roars at the poor soul while he pants bending down.

"Brother, let's stop for today. I can't take this anymore" He drops to the ground, trying to catch a breath.

"And you want to pursue basketball professionally?" Trevor snorts. "If you can't take a little bit training, how will you even play among so many players?! Get the fuck up. Don't make me repeat myself!" He shouts and the guy flinches hearing his tone. He looks younger than Trevor. Not his teammate definitely. The boy tries to get up but trips on his feet and fells down on the ground with a thud, this time.

"Ououuh!" He screams holding his knee while blood oozes out of it. And amid all of this , there's no expression in Trevor's face. He just stands there , crossing his arms  and gives a blank expression.  Is he serious?

I enter the ground and rush towards the boy. Grabbing his shoulder and with concern, I ask. "Are you okay?" He blinks at me and looks at Trevor, then back at me. "Y-Yeah" He replies. Before I could say anything, Trevor's firm tone echoes in my ears.

"Get the fuck out of here right now!"

Trevor's POV

"How's your study going on?"

I halt in my way of sipping the soup and glare at the person sitting in front of me.

Mathew Evans eyes me curiously, expecting an answer back. It's been 2 weeks. 2 weeks, my mother is gone and this gentleman who is not so gentle, does not care at. Of course, he doesn't.

"Trevor. I am asking something" He says.

"And I heard it" I reply, without looking at him, this time.

"Then where's the curtsy to answer?" He asks in an irritated tone.

I sigh and take a deep breath. "Everything's good"

Except the peace, I need  in this house

"What were your grades in the half yearly?"

I  take a sip from my latte as I answer "C in business. D in economics. E in Accounting"

As soon as the words escape my mouth, He places his knife and spoon on the table harshly. "An E? D and C?" He asks raising his brow at me. "Is this the way you are going to follow my footsteps?!" He roars.

"I never intended to follow them on the first place." I state taking another sip from the latte cup.


"I told you. Cricket is my passion. It's my obsession and I am going to pursue it professionally"

Hearing this he starts laughing. "And do you know what people are going to say? 'Famous Industrialist Mathew Evan's son is pursing cricket'

"I don't think they will appreciate the dedication of a boy to go against his father. Only by name" I speak, glaring at him. Immediately he drops the smile and the laughter is no longer echoing.

"Just because I give you the freedom to play cricket, doesn't mean you will dance on my head!"

"I never asked for your freedom. I am a man of my own free will"


Hiiii! I know this chapter turned to be a little small than my usual.

But I promise next chapter will be longer than you expected.

Sneak peak into the next chapter (Chapter 19) : Taegan will meet someone closer to Trevor. A family member. Who do you think will this person be? How will Taegan react to it?

Fun fact about the real Taegan Davies : I had two best friends the time, I met the real 'Trevor Evans'. Both of their names start with N and A. However, The real Adelaide and me lost touch after the 10th Standard due to her shifting schools. My Real Naressa is my bestest friend now and she supports and encourage me like no one!!

secret bonus point : I am currently in 12th standard btw




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