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Name: Toshiro

Surname: Zoldyck

Age: 25

Height: 6'2

Gender: Male

Blood-Type: O

Nen Type: Specialist

Weight: 171 Ibs (77 kg)

Body type:Athletic

Eye color: Turquoise

Hair color: White

Status: Alive

Occupation: Former Zoldyck Family Heir, Currently a member of the Phantom Troupe (Position: Legs)
Hunter(1 star hunter licence)

Combat Abilities:

Toshiro Zoldyck possesses a formidable array of combat abilities, honed through rigorous training and experience:

- **Preternatural Perception:** Toshiro's senses are finely tuned, allowing him to perceive subtle details and anticipate movements with exceptional accuracy. His heightened awareness grants him an edge in combat, enabling him to react swiftly to his opponents' actions.

- **Photographic Reflexes:** Toshiro possesses the rare ability to mimic physical movements after observing them just once. This allows him to learn and adapt to his opponents' fighting styles rapidly, making him a versatile and unpredictable combatant.

- **Enhanced Strength, Speed, Agility, Stamina, Endurance, and Durability:** Through dedicated training and conditioning, Toshiro has developed his physical attributes to surpass those of ordinary humans. He can deliver powerful blows, move with incredible speed and agility, and endure punishing attacks with remarkable resilience.

- **Healing Factor:** Toshiro possesses a remarkable ability to recover from injuries at an accelerated rate. His enhanced healing allows him to withstand significant damage and continue fighting with minimal downtime.

- **Immense Speed and Reaction Timing:** Toshiro's speed and reaction time are unparalleled, allowing him to move and react at incredible velocities. This enables him to evade attacks with ease and strike swiftly and decisively in combat.

- **Enhanced Agility:** Toshiro's agility and dexterity are exceptional, allowing him to maneuver through complex environments and execute acrobatic feats with grace and precision.

- **Poison Resistance:** Toshiro has developed immunity to various toxins through exposure and adaptation. His resistance to poisons makes him difficult to incapacitate through conventional means.

- **Electrical Resistance:** Toshiro has acquired resistance to electrical attacks through exposure and adaptation. His resistance to electricity protects him from being incapacitated or harmed by lightning-based techniques.

- **Mind Control Resistance:** Toshiro possesses mental fortitude that makes him resistant to attempts at manipulation or control. His strong willpower and emotional stability allow him to maintain control of his actions even under duress.

- **Muscle and Joint Control:** Toshiro has precise control over his muscles and joints, allowing him to perform intricate movements and techniques with ease. This level of control enhances his combat abilities and agility, making him a formidable adversary in battle.

- **Claws:** Toshiro can extend and retract razor-sharp claws from his fingertips, enabling him to deliver devastating melee attacks and rend through obstacles with ease.

- **Genius Level Intellect:** Toshiro possesses exceptional intelligence and strategic acumen, allowing him to analyze situations quickly and formulate effective strategies on the fly.

- **Master Strategist:** Toshiro is a master tactician, capable of planning and executing complex maneuvers with precision. His strategic thinking allows him to outmaneuver his opponents and exploit their weaknesses to achieve victory.

- **Master Swordsman:** Toshiro is highly skilled in the art of swordsmanship, wielding his blade with precision and deadly efficiency. His mastery of the sword allows him to strike with lethal accuracy and fluidity, making him a formidable opponent in close-quarters combat.

- **Unarmed Combat:** Toshiro is proficient in hand-to-hand combat, utilizing a combination of strikes, grapples, and joint locks to incapacitate his opponents with ruthless efficiency.

- **Assassination Arts:** Toshiro is trained in the deadly arts of assassination, specializing in stealthy takedowns and silent eliminations. His expertise in covert operations makes him a lethal adversary on the battlefield.

- **Instant Weapon Comprehension:** Toshiro has the ability to understand and wield any weapon with proficiency after only a brief observation. This allows him to adapt to unfamiliar weaponry quickly and effectively in combat situations.

- **Stealth Master:** Toshiro is a master of stealth, capable of moving unseen and unheard through even the most heavily guarded environments. His ability to conceal his presence makes him a formidable infiltrator and assassin.

- **Silent Gaits:** Toshiro can move silently and without leaving a trace, making him virtually undetectable to his enemies. His silent footsteps allow him to approach targets unnoticed and execute stealthy takedowns with precision.

- **Rhythm Echo:** Toshiro can mimic the rhythm and cadence of any sound, enabling him to create distractions or deceive his opponents with auditory illusions.

- **Emotional Detachment:** Toshiro possesses emotional detachment, allowing him to remain calm and focused even in the heat of battle. This mental discipline enables him to make rational decisions and maintain clarity of thought under pressure.

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