Chapter 19

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 Trevor's POV

There was never an ounce of respect and love I felt towards Mathew Evans. How could I when I felt my mother drowning in depression because of this person?! All he ever did was influence and control. I did address him as father. But only by name and that only in the spotlight. In his fake world where he demonstrate himself as the 'Family man'. But in reality, he's knows nothing rather than influence and control. Whether it's the business or the family. People think i am lucky.

I am unlucky. God can be so unfair sometimes. If he gives us the freedom to choose friends, why not parents? After all Parents is long term. Friends, are short term in life.

"Trevor Evans, get your grades up or else I will have to restrict you from playing cricket!" Mathew Evans bangs his hand on the table and screams. Mr.Robbins our cook, flinches at his tone as he stands beside us. Me? I don't give a fuck about his mood or the things he is sprouting. But yes, I do care that he ruined my morning. I wipe my hands with the napkin and then my face.

"You are no one to restrict me from playing cricket. Buddy's the one who pays for my after school and in school practice. You are just the bank who pays for my school fees." He glares at me while I smirk "You can stop paying for the school fees anyways. I don't give a shit about the studies. The commerce or anything. I can apply to a cricket academy instead and start playing" 

"I am your dad, you ill-mannered!!!!!"

"A father. Not a dad. A father only on certificates" I get up from the dinning table, take my bag and start to leave as Robbins moves aside to give me way.

"Don't forget I hold control of your buddy. I am the master, who controls the puppet"

I halt in my steps and turn around to see a smile spread across his face. A sinister smile. I hate you to the core. I give a look of disgust to him and storm out of the house. I reach my car and open my phone to sent a text to a nuisance.

ME : You said, you wanted me to help you prepare for the upcoming basketball match. I am down. Meet me at the school ground, in half an hour

I take a seat in the driving seat and start the engine. That's when a notification greets me. I check my phone.

Nuisance : Oh? Look who decided to make my day perfect with a text. My divine brother. I love you a lot. Meet you soon😘

He and his childish acts.

Don't forget I hold control of your buddy. I am the master, who controls the puppet

Anger boils up in me, recalling his words. I raise the speed bar from 60 to 90 by stepping on the accelerator. Mathew Evans, I could kill you one day and I wouldn't even be surprised.

It's been more than 2 hours I have teaching this moron to practice through laps and exercise. Trying to be, if more precised. Exhaustion is the key term in this lazy ass's life. Look at him panting and running out of breath as if I asked him to run 300m marathon race. His drama is endless.

"Ouhhh!" He drops to the ground, holding his left knee. I could see blood coming out a bit. Just a stratch. He wouldn't die out of it but look at the sensitive baby's never ending act.If he can't handle this, how will he pursue basketball???

I am about to give him a good scolding when suddenly a brunette haired girl in a peach frock rushes to the ground and sits in front of Varol in concern. Her hazel eyes reflects concern while she grabs Varol's shoulder. 

"Are you okay?"

Varol gives a confused look to me and then to her while I continue to glare at them, both. Isn't she been too concerned for someone she barely knows??

𝓜𝓘𝓢𝓙𝓤𝓓𝓖𝓔𝓓 (Love, Lust & War 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora