Chapter 20

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"To others, I am a beast

why is it then, which no one can control

you become the sleeping beauty to my scars, more and more?"

//Beware!! Extra long chapter. So long that I decided to cancel out the last part of the special intimate scene between Taegan and Trevor....But didn't want to break the hearts of people so please don't break my heart and give me votes//

Taegan's POV

I don't know how I ended up or why I ended up here. I got invited at Trevor's house for dinner by his grandfather. First time, A guy's family has invited me over. Not any guy. The most popular guy in the school.

Convincing Aunt Betha and Andy was a tough nut to crack. As soon as I told them about going out at night, they showered me with bucket of questions. However I managed to get the situation under control. I told them I am invited to a commerce study group. Naressa and Adelaide both are not in commerce so this would save me from the trouble Aunt to call them up and know about my whereabouts. But the thing is....I lied for a boy. Shit.

Calm down heart. Calm down. You came for Santiago, remember?

I stiffen myself up and take a last glance at myself before ringing the bell to Trevor's house, carrying a bouquet of flowers in hand. Must say, the mansion looks stunning from outside. every inch screams out 'Rich' in it's own way.

(Taegan's outfit for the dinner)

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(Taegan's outfit for the dinner)

The door opens and an elderly man stands, while wearing a white and black uniform.

"Uhmm...Hi I am Taegan"

"Of course. Sir's been expecting you. Please come inside"

I smile and enter the place. A palace basically. For a second, I thought I reached Windsor House.  Wow. The inside looks more beautiful. So well designed and furnished. The same man who opened the door, walks me to the living area and smiles looking at me. "Young master is in his bedroom. Sir's sleeping in his room and Mr.Evans has still not yet returned from work. Could you kindly sit here and wait while I inform young master and meantime get you some refreshments?" 

"Yeah thank you Mr..." I struggle

"Robbins" I smile at him and nod while he bows and leaves the living room. I look around meanwhile.

WOW. The sofa set looks like it's a king or queen palace. Of course I heard Trevor's father is an industrialist. He is definitely well off. Nope. Adelaide and Naressa, nor Mario gave me this information. I managed to ask a fellow classmate whose immediate response wasn't 'stay away' or 'Don't get involved with him'

I see a huge photo frame hanged in the center of the living room. It's gold plated. I guess from the shine it's sparkling. The photo consists of 3 people. An older version of Trevor and the younger version of Santiago is sitting in the middle, in a armchair. Standing in his one side is Trevor and another is Martha. There's a different feeling about this photo. They are smiling don't get me wrong. It's the just the way they are smiling. I know this way.  It's the way I convince people saying I am okay, type of smile. The fake smile.

𝓜𝓘𝓢𝓙𝓤𝓓𝓖𝓔𝓓 (Love, Lust & War 1)Where stories live. Discover now