Chapter 57 - Communication is the Key

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The dimly lit office belonged to a wealthy creator and had only a single wide table, a luxurious wooden work desk. Felicia was sitting on her usual regal chair, with both hands resting on her head while a few strands of hair were pulled out due to overwhelming stress. Sheets of paper were scattered all over the desk and the floor, while books were stacked untidily nearby for reference. Pin tacks stuck on the board with multicolored strings connecting, behind it was lead that might give the stressed immortal an answer.

Days later, after both of them settled into a clear path in their relationship, Felicia decided to study the origins of her lover. As Mocha was eager for her to do so, he didn't persuade her though. But the recently soft-hearted Felicia knew deep down he wanted to know who he was, besides all the tragedy of the murdering mother and unknown father. The creator wanted to seek something more vivid in his life, making him feel better about himself.

For a few moments, her brain decided to tease her for being so arrogant, too egomaniacal to not ask the sage about the werecat's origins earlier, back when she was selfishly wanting to know about her being cursed as a mortal. Thoughtless on Mocha. And now she wished she had more time to ask rather than being so stubborn and arrogant seeking answers about herself.

Unfortunately, she was now in a blind state. Despite stealing every book she could find from various libraries, none of them were helpful in finding the answers she was looking for.

Why was he half-immortal? How could this happen?

Does he also have been cursed by Naomi?


It couldn't be.

There's no corrupt inside him.


The unsatisfied urge had turned Felicia's mind into a tangled mess of questions. Suddenly, the sound of the door creaking jolted her back to reality. She swiveled around on her chair to see the brown werecat, his pointy feline ears peering through the door as he peeked to see what she was doing.

"Felic...?" The energetic voice called, his tail swayed side to side. "May I come in?"

A smile curled upon her life at his politeness, it was the little thing that made her happy. "Come in, love." Felicia nodded, calling him nicknames that would make the man turn red. It was a habit she developed, a form of tease and affection.

Mocha blushed at the nickname, he walked towards her desk. Avoiding his foot stepping on the scribbled papers on the floor that seemed important as he made his way into the messy office.

"A bit...of a mess here, don't you think?" Mocha razzed, his bright hazel eyes locked on the messier desk. "You've been trapping yourself in your office this evening." He said with a voice of concern.

"I'm trying..." She slumped back on her regal, office chair, rubbing her forehead in distress as she gestured to the desk afterward. "Once I find something, the other dots do not connect." Felicia removed her glasses, carelessly tossing them onto the pile of books and papers.

The books in question all relate to a topic about felines, immortals, power, and abilities. They were written by Sages, who are also known as Scholar Immortals. Sages like Sylvia wrote books and scrolls to guide the immortals. To be a reference of wisdom. Sylvia did too write books, mainly on politics. Sages' books can be found in libraries across the world of mortals and immortals, including Felicia's own collection. However, Felicia found that she needed more of these books to find out more about Mocha as the ones in her library didn't satisfy her much, so she snuck out last night to steal some.

None, none of it came to help. None of the books did mention about a half-immortal being.

"You... you don't have to work yourself out, you know?" Mocha assured the woman. He couldn't help but feel a bit flattered, at the same time worried that his immortal lover overworked her creator-like brain just for him.

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