Epilogue: Three Years Later

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A familiar sensation filled Oskar's chest. It was a feeling he hadn't felt in many months. The excitement danced through his body and raised the hair on his arms. Adventure.

As Thiago galloped the familiar road, Oskar could not help his smile. When he received word of Erasmus' coronation, he was overjoyed with the thought of returning home. He glanced over his shoulder at the carriage he escorted. Dorthee poked her head out of the window with an expression that reflected Oskar's happiness.

Oskar wasn't sure what to expect, but he knew a reunion with both of his parents was about to happen. Both his mother and father were in good health, and still had plenty of years before them.


Oskar grinned and slowed Thiago's gate to a gentle canter. He turned his gaze to the little boy standing in Dorthee's lap.

"Yes, Jaden; what is it?" he asked, moving Thiago close to the carriage.

Still learning to speak, two-year-old Jaden reached his short arms out of the window, wiggling his fingers at his father.

"Again?" Oskar asked with a deep chuckle. "My darling boy, you rode with me for two hours. Is your bottom not sore?"

"Papa!" Jaden exclaimed, trying to extend his arms further than they could reach.

Oskar's laughter filled the air and he commanded the carriage to halt. He guided Thiago next to the window and reached inside, lifting Jaden with one arm and placing him in front of himself on the saddle. It was a saddle without a horn on the front, which would allow a mostly comfortable ride for the toddler.

Oskar checked that his son was secure and placed a firm arm around Jaden's torso.

"Ready?" he asked, kissing the top of the little boy's head.

Jaden held tight the loop his father made with the reins. Oskar told the carriage driver to carry on as he triple-checked his son's safety. When he felt sure his hold on his son was well placed, he clicked to Thiago and hurried after the carriage.

The toddler squealed with delight as Oskar urged Thiago faster. He grinned as they passed Dorthee. Her eyes were wide with a mother's worry, but her pleased smile wrinkled the scars on her cheekbones. Oskar offered her a look of assurance. He would never purposefully put their son in danger.

Soon, the palace came into view and Oskar brought Thiago to a standstill. His childhood home had not changed much. The walls were weather-worn and there was evidence indicating damage from canon fire. Otherwise, the palace was exactly the same.

When he heard the carriage approaching, Oskar clicked his tongue and Thiago continued forward. And as they approached the gates, there was shouting and trumpets sounded. The guards on duty hurried to open the gates. Thiago and the carriage galloped through.

"Alert the palace of the prince's arrival!" someone shouted as the streets were suddenly filled with cheering people. Oskar waved and nodded greetings as he urged Thiago onward.

A group of guards on horseback appeared and set to work creating a path through the sea of people. The carriage driver slowed the pace of the four-horse team. Oskar moved Thiago close to the carriage, near Dorthee's window.

"They are happy to see you," Dorthee said over the cheering crowd.

"It is not the people I am worried about," Oskar replied, his gaze on the palace steps and the grand doorway.

"It is not the people I am worried about," Oskar replied, his gaze on the palace steps and the grand doorway

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