I Fucking Killed Him

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Chapter Eleven:
Eric's POV

Blake started letting loose a long while ago. He pregamed hard before riding with me to this party. A tab of acid, a couple shots, and a joint later...

Blake is sweating and having more fun than I've ever seen him have. The smile on his face was pure, not a negative thought or feeling surrounding him in the slightest. He came in as the life of the party and it seems he is still only just beginning. Tonight Blake is a 'yes man' and I was enjoying every moment of it.

You could see the adrenaline in him as his veins bulged but his body appeared calm as he gently rocked to the music and took another shot with me. The guy was tripping balls right now and for someone who no longer does it like he used to, he is handling like a champ. I remember when Blake was fourteen and he used to freak out when taking pills or dropping acid. My little brother is growing up on me.

"Where's Cory?" Blake asked, glancing around as if he could even see straight enough to seek him out in the hundreds of people in this massive house.

"He had other things to do." I tell him. "What you should be worried about is where Rosie Mae is." I chuckle. When that girl sees Blake beyond fucked up, she might just lose her shit and I'll be loving it.

"Hopefully she's already a little drunk." Blake says, rubbing a hand over his face. "She's got a no drugs thing."

I tilt my head slightly. "She gets drunker than all of us." I point out. "I don't think she has much room to tell you what substances to take and not take."

Blake glanced over at me with a look that proved me right but he decided not to respond. On his part, this was probably best.

I still had yet to discuss the little thing Rosie Mae pulled at the movies the other night. It was kind of funny to know she was probably sitting back, antsy and over thinking what she did as she waited for me to say something to her about it. Keeping her waiting has to be frustrating her more and more every day. This was nothing compared to what she did to me at the movies though.

I had no idea I had that much restraint. Part of me wished I had dragged her back into that bathroom and took her right there. But I know Rosie Mae isn't ready for me yet. One move from me and she'd run the other way, angry and upset.

The key word being yet. In time, slowly but oh so surely, Rosie would be more than ready for me. I'll know when that time is. She will wear a look in her eyes, telling me that she is more than willing to give herself to me...and for me. When that comes, I won't hold a thing back.

"Looks like she's had a few." Blake laughs, motioning across the room with his hand that holds his solo cup.

Blake was right. Rosie Mae did in fact look a bit drunk with her face flustered pink and a bright smile. She danced close to Faith, both girls color coordinated and in unison as usual.

As much as Rose would like to think and say that Faith and her are so different...they really aren't. The only difference I see in the two is the number of people both of them have slept with. Both girls are seductive, sultry, they just both use them in different ways.

Watching Rosie on the sidelines is always quite the sight. Seeing her without that scowl she always shoots me is a pretty thing.

"Oh my god, you two are fucking loaded." Faith laughs when the two girls reached us after dancing a little longer.

Rosie Mae didn't seem too bothered by my presence this time. The liquor is definitely making her more confident than she would be if she didn't have that drink in her hand. I had expected her to sprint the opposite direction after the movies.

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