Modern Spartan: Sailor

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Written by Matthew Sinn/A.K.A. Sinbad the Mountain

Modern Spartan/Boat Ride

Travelling by boat to the possible hideout of Prof. Splash, I grew worried about this idea. Since because I was wearing a leg brace. Swimming would prove to be a very difficult problem. Plus my foe would surely have the upper hand within the water. Who couldn't allow him to reach it. As we kept going and me asking the boat driver. "How much further"? He reply. "About another 30 minutes". Understanding this we eventually reached the villains lair. Which was a large ship that had broke within half and sat there along the coast line. As a reminder of how dangerous the sea can be. For those who weren't prepared. We got close enough for me to climb through a large hole and enter the watery place. Which was sure to be full of danger. 


Modern Spartan/Old Ship

Walking inside of the half broken ship I carefully looked around here for the fishy villain an his goons. While spotting no signs of any security cameras. Which I found odd. Yet still felt there was some sort of security in here. Who quickly learned this after setting one of them off. Causing these sharpen poles to fly towards me. Which cause me to quickly dodge and avoid them. As they hit the floor and created a loud noise. That made Prof. Splash come out of this sealed room further ahead. An look at me in anger before giving his orders to the fish men. Who had armed themselves with spears. "Stop him"! Who started charging this way. With me readying my shield before engaging into battle. As I began blocking their attacks with my shield before knocking each one down. Before turning my attention back towards their leader. Who faced me and spoke. "You might have stopped them". "But not what I have next". As he quickly pulled out a vial and poured whatever was inside onto a star fish. Before he threw it towards me and began to watch it mutate and grow.    


Modern Spartan/Fear Star

I watched in both shock and terror as the start fish itself turned dark red, began taking the shape of a man, standing at 5'8, with large muscles, three light blue color eyes and bald head. It faced me with a somewhat human face that express anger against me before attacking. Punching my shield many times with it's bare fists. Which was pushing me backwards and could already see. It was stronger then it seems. As it tried to grab my shield. Until I knocked it back a short three steps. I could hear Prof. Splash shout to it. "Fear Star, tear him apart". Who now saw it grow two extra arms and me now speak with a very concern look on my face. "Oh no". As it resume punching. Which knocked my shield away and began beating me pretty badly. An almost fell onto the floor. Until grabbing one of the sharpen poles and began to fight back. 


Modern Spartan/Spear

Until using it to start swinging it left an right, smacking it's face pretty good. While also cutting some of it's body with the sharp edge. But also dodging it's incoming fists swung at me. Who saw the cuts quickly heal fast like they were nothing. Who knew this was bad and kept fighting. As I dodged left and grabbed my dropped shield. Who then used it to block four punches before hitting the mutant star fish third eye. Causing it a good amount of pain. Who also hit the thing a few more times. Not just with my fist, but also with the bronze shield. Until Prof. Splash evil creation finally fell backwards onto the floor. With me now looking at the scientist and spoke in anger. "Your going to need". "Something bigger to bring me down". Angered by this he took action by coming down here while speaking. "Fine, if you want more pain". "Then I'll do it myself".   

Modern Spartan: SailorWhere stories live. Discover now