18. James/Augustine

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...'Cause you weren't mine to lose



What a week.

I didn't even want to go on this trip for the summer. Leah and my dad had to practically drag me. If someone had told me I would meet the most amazing girl ever, I would've been more willing to go. Then again, maybe not. Two weeks ago, I could barely talk to Augustine. Progress was definitely made.

I never thought we'd end up where we did, but sleeping with her was honestly the best night of my life. Everything about her was perfect. I couldn't believe she chose to give me what no one else had. I loved feeling close to her. I hadn't admitted it out loud, but I was falling in love with her.

We hungout constantly the week after. We even went to dinner once with Miles and Gracie. Things were looking up with Augustine and her mom, and Aurora was her usual happy self. Everything felt right.

I hummed along to the music playing from the speaker on the counter while I washed the dishes. Miles was watching TV in the den, and Leah and Dad were on a much-needed date night. I washed the last dish and dried off my hands, heading to the den to hangout with Miles.

"What are you watching?" I asked, entering the room.

Miles looked away from the TV and at me. "None of your business," he said.

On the screen, a boy walked into a high school classroom, asking "What did I miss?" A girl in one of the chairs turned around and said, "The oppressive patriachial values that dictate our education."

"Miles, what the hell are you watching?" I laughed.

"10 Things I Hate About You," he grumbled as I smiled.

"In my defense," he continued. "It's Gracie's favourite movie. She told me to watch it."

"And you listened to her?" I said, sitting next to him. "Looks like Miles has fallen in loooooove." I drew out the last word and ruffled his hair.

"I have not!" he exclaimed, as his cheeks became a dark shade of red. "I just really like her, okay?"

"Alright then," I said. "So what's the plan? We're leaving in eleven days. Are you guys going to stay together?"

Miles paused the movie and turned to face me. "I don't think so," he said. "I think it's more of a fling, but I like her more than I thought I would. It might just be a summer thing. Like every year when we come back, we hangout again and see where we are."

"Miles, that is so romantic," I said. "Your story could honestly be a movie."

"It'd be better than this movie," he said, gesturing to the TV.

"It can't be that bad," I laughed. "Let's see what happens."

The girl, Kat, ended up dating the guy, Patrick. I laughed as he performed the song "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You" in front of her entire soccer team. Miles pouted the whole movie, but I caught him smiling at the cheesy parts.

"That is one good looking guy," Miles said, referring to Heath Ledger.

"Definitely attractive," I admitted. "The girl is really pretty, too."

"I think her sister is gorgeous," Miles commented.


"Yeah. Also Cameron, her boyfriend."

"How is everyone in this movie attractive?" I asked.

"I don't know, but it's not as bad of a movie as I thought," Miles admitted.

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