-Chapter Twenty-Five- Youth

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/and if you're in love, then you are the lucky one/ 'cause most of us are bitter over someone/ setting fire to our insides for fun/ to distract our hearts from ever missing them/ but i'm forever missing him/

-youth, daughter

Once the boat had taken off, Y/n had quickly gathered three valuable pieces of information.

One- the Saporian's plan went far beyond merely getting their leader out of prison. They intended to wreak havoc in Corona- and though they hadn't said it explicitly, Y/n suspected that a takeover may be in the cards.

Two- Clementine was in possession of something much more powerful than a dagger. She was still standoffish, and hadn't shown Y/n the item directly, but the boat was far from soundproof, and she could hear the group discussing how they would use something on anyone who stood in their way.

And three- they might be just a little bit less than sane.

Not that Y/n minded, of course.

But none of that was relevant right now- because she was flying.

Y/n had been terrified when the boat lifted off the ground, held up only by a few flames under three large balloons, glowing pink as the fire blazed beneath them.

But the sails had held and the boat had stabilized. Now, the airship flew smoothly over the grassy hills and forests below, leaving Y/n enchanted by the feeling of soaring through the air as she leaned on the railing of the ship.

Y/n was still terrified of heights, but it didn't feel real up here, when all she could see was clouds.

She wondered what Varian would think, if he was here. He'd probably be doing something dorky, trying to take a sample of the thinner air or something along those lines.

The wind whipped through her hair as she closed her eyes gently, taking a deep breath and relishing the feeling of flight.

"I feel like a bird." she murmured in wonder.

"Think you'd fly like one too, if you fell over?"

Y/n spun around to see Maisie leaning on a wooden post, filing her nails on the edge of her sword with a malicious smirk.

"Maisie." she greeted cautiously. "Do you need something?"

"Hm... just a question." she grinned.

"Ask away." Y/n said with disinterest, turning her gaze back to the sky.

"Who's Varian?"

Y/n suddenly began to cough and sputter, flustered, holding onto the railing for dear life as she struggled to breathe, feeling a faint sense of deja vu.

"How do you know that name?" she asked, once she had recovered her powers of speech.

Maisie's smile grew. "You talk in your sleep."

Y/n's face went red with embarrassment. "I don't see why he's any of your business."

She raised her eyebrows. "Oooh, is he that friend you were talking about?"

"That's- th- that's not important!"

Maisie laughed. "Sure, sure. Anyways, not why I needed to get you. Clementine wants you over with the rest of us to run over the plan." She smirked. "Unless you're too busy daydreaming about your friend."

Y/n pushed off of the railing and turned around with a huff, coat flaring behind her as her face burned.

She strolled across the wooden deck to where Clementine, Juniper and Kai were waiting, Maisie close on her heels.

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