Chapter 58 - Salvatore

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Kylian's silent footsteps swiftly traversed the bustling streets of the futuristic city, carefully evading the various presences of immortals in all their diverse forms and rankings. With each passing moment, his lightning-fast dash left behind a luminous trail of yellowish lightning, illuminating the vibrant surroundings of Eternal Afiat.

He came to an abrupt stop, kicking up a cloud of dust with his superhuman running speed. He smoothened out the burgundy jacket he wore on his shoulders, whilst his other hand slicked up his ash brown hair.

With a gentle push of the wooden-carved double door, Kylian stepped inside into the serenity of the library. The cold breeze of the air conditioner hit the mage's dark skin, the scent of new and old books plugged his nostrils and quiet page turning filled his ears. His leopard eye glimpsed at the sights of various normal, horned, winged, and feline canine traits of the immortal who spend their time in the library, enjoying the break from the bustling city of their homes.

He ventured deeper, passing by book after book on the shelves. Written by the hands of thousands of sages throughout the centuries. Each volume held the knowledge of immortals, rules and taboos, and stories of ancient victories and successes. The scrolls of guidance, judgment, and forfeiture were all here, providing a wealth of information on the ways of life, culture, and tradition for the immortals to live their everlasting lives. All the answers he sought were here, written by the scholar sages.

But Kylian wasn't here for books or scrolls.

Quietly, uninterrupting the people of his kind, Kylian slid his hands into his pocket, heading towards the back of the library. He strolled down to a dark alleyway, the concrete-painted beige walls narrowed to a single door.

"Hey, fox?" Kylian called. He made himself present in the storage room.

Ears perked up at the call, Anastasia turned around, looking at her fellow mage with a pensive expression. "I need good news." She said, her arms stuffed with hardcover books.

"There is." The messenger grinned.

Dull grey eyes seemed to be lightened by the man's remarks. Anastasia's frail arms set the books on the desk. "All right then." Her tail thumped on the floor, waiting anticipatedly for further.

Kylian gripped the chair and placed it in front of the desk, flipping it around so that he sat on it backwards, his arms resting on the top rail while his head laid on them. "I did what ya told." He winked.

"His brother agreed to find the relic. We'll be departing tomorrow." Kylian said. "You sure Sylvia is all right with all of this?"

"She doesn't have to know," Anastasia said, pulling dusty books from a worn-out box that needed to be arranged on the shelves front.

"Whoa... where did that come from?" Kylian snickered. "Not very assistant of you, ya know."

"I think our CEO is emotionally affected by Felicia. In a bad way." She paused for a moment, thinking about wherever should she say it to Kylian. Either way, this must come to an end. "And Naomi's revenge, like you said."

Kylian eyes set upon his bandaged wrist, wrapping it to conceal the hideous curse that the evil healer imposed upon him. "You sure she won't find out?" The elemental mage hesitated.

"As long as we are careful." The physic mage replied.

If Sylvia discovered that her orders were being disobeyed, she would usually give a warning as a minimum. However, due to Felicia's sudden threatful appearance, both mages knew that a warning would not be sufficient.

"Ya know, I think it's dangerous, fox. What if we both got caught and ended up banished? Ya know how strict... and powerful Sylvia is. I ain't leaving."

"Just... act natural. No need to bring it up unless we're here." The librarian had her eyebrows snapped. The thought of the banishment came to mind. She did not want to think that Sylvia's ruling was unconventional, but it felt that way.

"Ann, I'm Sylvia's messenger. I need to come every day to report about the city, and our people! I literally can't hide anything, duh!"

"Until how long?" Anastasia spat. "You do the reports, can't you see how chaotic every day this city has been since she announced Felicia's bounty!" Her fists curled, eyes narrowing with a mix of anger and fear, as she faced the nonchalant mage, glaring at him. "The low-ranks. They're the ones who caused chaos. Every day they left their duties just to hunt the creator down. It's not stable for us!"

"All right, jeez! You got your fur all ruffled!" Kylian's neck craned at the fox's outburst. "Calm down, fox... no need to get tense."

"My apologies." The blue fox calmed down, her arms went to hug herself. Trying her best to regain control of her emotions. "Also... Do you know about the creator's werecat?"

"Yeah, I've heard some rambles coming out of our CEO's mouth." The ash-brown man shrugged.

"Sylvia is also after him, too."

"But he has nothing to do with this?" Eyes widened, Kylian had his head tilted in disbelief.

"Sylvia can not see his origins, she assumed he is a threat because of that. A half-immortal. There's a barrier obstructing her powers. Who knows what's she planning on to that poor guy? He can't regenerate like us." She whispered.

"Are sages all insane? I swear these high-ranking people..." Cursed Kylian as he rolled his eyes.

"Watch your mouth, she might know." Anastasia rasped as she placed a finger to her soft lips. "Although..."

"Sylvia said that he's somehow immune to evil. Making him get along with Felicia despite her furious acts. He didn't fear him."

"Like a healer's curse, eh?" Kylian said, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he raised his injured-cursed hand.

"Not really. Maybe, maybe not. I can't figure it out, yet." The fox sighed.

"You sure you wanna do this? You know, you might break ya promise when you say you're not a trickster. Like a fox. Sylvia would be pissed if she sees you doing this." Kylian teased the stereotypes.

"I worked hard to get to what I am today, despite being a low-ranked. No, I know this is for the good." Anastasia replied in a low tone, her furry ears flattened. "And I'll do it again to prove them wrong."

Strings detached, the cycle broke. Anastasia could feel warmth rushing through her veins, washing away the ink of darkness. She took a deep breath of relief.

"You okay there, bud?" Asked the man.

"I'm... perfectly fine." Anastasia pushed her glasses up, she contained back a smile forming her lips. "Find the relic, her brother knows what to do with it."

"Alright, wise fox. You won. Your message, I send." Kylian leaned backwards with a wide grin, arms raised in surrender playfully as he was impressed at how steadfast was the assistant. In a split second, Kylian vanished through a thunder. Leaving the librarian in the dark room.

"I'm... I'm free..."

Her palm laced on her pure, beating heart. A good action led to the cleansing of a soul before the corruption began to grow.

Prevent it before it occurs.

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