Witticism and solemnity. (Mahirat - with a sprinkle of ICT)

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Witticism and solemnity. (Mahirat - with a sprinkle of ICT)

A/N - I am not too well, as most of you know. Came on an impromptu vacation for a couple of days. Sea Breeze and all. Well, had some time and this weirdness came out. HAHA. Let me know how it was?

"Mahi Bhai!"

A tornado entered, crashed the door against the wall and probably left a dent; the BCCI may well run out of funds trying to pay off the damages caused by one King Kohli.

"What was that explosion, Mahi?"

The voice trickled out of the phone's speaker, curiosity laced in.

MS rolled his eyes at the intruder. "It is your Mini Me," he spoke into the phone. "He lacks basic etiquettes as you know very well."

"I don't lack etiquettes!" Virat screamed. "And is that Sachin Paaji on the phone? I want to talk to him!"

"Then call him from your phone!" MS spoke firmly and disconnected the call with a hasty, "I will talk to you later, Paaji."

"Why are you so mean?"

"Why are you such an idiot?" MS countered at once, going over to inspect the wall. And of course, there was a dent.

"I am the Captain!" Virat grinned unrepentantly.

"So that gives you the authority to be an idiot?" MS raised his eyebrows and pulled up his trademark one sided grin.

"You are being the same way!"

"Are you calling me an idiot? You do realise that I am 7 years older than you?"

Virat nodded decisively. "Yessir! Thala for a reason!"

"Oh shut it!" MS sighed and marched back to his chair. "What do you want, Virat?"

"Why are you in this room?" Virat looked around at the room with slight distaste. "This is not your allocated room. I have come to escort you back."

MS sighed, shook his head and sighed some more. "Virat, this too is perfectly good. It is the same as the one every other player is having! I am comfortable here!"

"But I am not! How many I supposed to hold Team meetings here? It is too small."

MS was lost for words for a while and then, "There is the Captain's suite for that very purpose, Virat. Your allocated room. That will be good enough for any strategy meeting you wish to hold and...."

"Uhhh.." Virat interrupted and waved his hand. "I cannot hold meetings without you!"

"Then I will come..."

"No." He interrupted again. "I did not protest, too much, when you decided to step down as the Captain, but I am drawing the line here! The Captain's suite or whatever, that will remain your room and I will not take no for an answer!"

MS was fairly impressed at the edge of steel in his friend's voice and, any other day, he would have lavished praise upon him. Any other day.

"That is not feasible, Virat. The Captain's room is the Captain's. And as such, I cannot accept moving there."

"Did I ask you? I am telling you!" Virat was at his insolent best and it was tough to fight him when he became like this.

"Virat, please." Mahi murmured tiredly and dragged a hand over his face. "You know that it would look obnoxious! Especially when there are seniors in the team?"

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