I Regretted

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The moon smiles at me every time i tell her about you

She says my eyes look like I'm in love

I blush but decline

"Oh, no she isn't the one for me"

Never really knew I was actually falling for you

I smiled and laugh at the thought of you but never admitted

I liked you, yes,

And knew you didn't like me back

But that wasn't the problem

The problem was

I knew how cruel and miserable you were

To make me this desperate and unwanted all of a sudden

I know you could ruin me

I know how you hated me but

Fun fact I loved you which you didn't

I liked how you pretended to like me

But you really didn't

I fell in love with your pertendence and died

While you didn't cared and still tired to me stay When I had already left all alone

Dead Souls She Ones Loved [Words I Kept Under My Pillow]Where stories live. Discover now