Questioning The Illusion of Romance: Breaking Free From Societal Norms

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I'm a typical youngster—focused on his studies and developing a strong character for future personal endeavours. With every strength I gain from physical activity, every blood pressure I regulate by sticking to a healthy regimen, every great grade I obtain by studying so thoroughly, every spiritual lesson I acquire from the books I read and the signs I see around me...

People are in great wonders of how I haven't found love YET. The thing is, it's not me not having found love... It's the fact I haven't settled with anyone so far in which they might be questioning. I do believe love to be something quite complex. Or, maybe, I'm just toning it down. We don't know for sure.

Teenage couples constantly surround me. Particularly in School. However, it just happened to be something I never really felt insecure of.

We get attracted to what society tells us we should be attracted to. But actually, if we think about it, isn't it really shallow? Like, you could have thought you were attracted to someone because they met the qualifications which you thought you had to be attracted to and because you thought that was what a "good relationship" was supposed to look like.

When you become attracted to someone, it might be because you see them as healing those wounds rather than them actually being someone who is compatible with you.

What if romance is just this huge societal lie that we've been fed for years because our culture has convinced itself that romance is everything we need for a happy and healthy life?

Not to sound bumptious, but I, myself, am a physically attractive individual. With great achievements and a kind-hearted nature that backs up my outward physique.

All I want is for people to stop thinking of me as this boy who, even though I am obviously not ready, should already be in a relationship.

Waiting for the right person is more important to me than playing about the wrong ones. I am not being rigid, I'm just protecting my heart from needless heartbreaks.

Despite my questions concerning love, I still have this hope in the back of my mind that she (my genuine soulmate) comes into my life sooner than I may think. Sooner than the only timeline I thought was possible. I broke a habit after habit after habit...

I'm just thinking to myself, "What if it's time that I break this one?" Basically, my defense mechanism of being too closed off.

Perhaps, it really is. It really is time I soften my heart.

Out of thousands and millions of possibilities, the question still stands...

Will I end up meeting her or not?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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