Double Homocide

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Chapter sixteen
Rosie Mae's POV

"Let's just say we aren't always the good guys." Eric informs me as we all pile into the car. He said it in such a way that he really believes there's ever a moment where they are the good guys. That's completely false.

Cory sits in the front with Eric who's driving. Nathan and Willy sit on either side of me in the back seat.

"Sometimes it's not killing for revenge, an eye for an eye and all that crap." Cory further explains Eric's statement. 

"Yeah." Nathan chimes in. "Sometimes we kill to steal."

From the other side of me, Willy says, "if we steal someone else's product, it's more profit for us. Less money Eric has to put down on a bag to sell."

"But like Willy and I have complained about countless times;" Nathan reminds us, "we only do this when Eric needs us."

"And by the way, that's been a lot more recently. It's starting to feel like you don't really need our help." Willy adds.

It's entertaining to watch Nathan and Willy bounce off of each other, always finishing each other's sentences. It's as if they share the same brain, always having the same exact thoughts as the other. They must spend every waking moment together.

It's especially funny they way Nathan and Willy get on Eric's nerves. Their banter, sarcasm, and quickness with a come back, set a fire in him. To one who doesn't know the two of them, you'd never guess they were cold blooded ("temporary/only when needed") killers.

"I don't ever need your help. Don't mistake that." Eric retorts, keeping his annoyance filled eyes on the road. "It's just nice to have the extra sets of hands."

Nathan reaches over, nudging Willy who gives an expression of agreement and a nod before Nathan's even said anything. "He's so sweet, isn't he?" Nathan says sarcastically. "That's my best fucking friend."

I stifle a laugh, Eric's warning eyes catching mine in the rear view mirror. I press my lips into a thin line, trying not to keep from egging the men on any further.

"So where do I come in? What am I gonna do?" I ask, searching all four of their faces.

"Who said you're gonna do anything?" Cory asks from the front, glancing over his shoulder at me. "You just stand there and look pretty."

"I did." Eric tells him before I can reply for myself. "And you'll be responsible for her."

Cory scoffs. "You're the one who wants her here. I-"

"You'll be responsible for her." Eric repeats, making Cory grumble in disapproval, shifting in his seat. Everyone is so nice today. Warm and welcoming. "You and Rosie will find his stash while us three do the rest."

Doing this with someone who very clearly didn't want to do it with me didn't make me feel safe. Obviously, it made me feel the opposite. I wish Eric would go with me. The confidence I once had slowly drifted away, under the impression that Eric would be the one by my side.

As the house got closer, my anxiety worsened. Every single step causing my chest to get tighter. The lit up driveway casted light at our feet as we walked the long paved road, creating a path for us to avoid so we aren't spotted. It's the only source of light in the still of the late evening. A distant train horn and shuffled feet is the only sound we all hear on this long, shameful walk.

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