Look What You Made Me Do

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Chapter Seventeen
    Eric's POV

I have never been more attracted to Rosie Mae than I am right now. Watching her gaze out the window in thought as we drove down the road, I admired how sexy she is. Her reaction time was immaculate, aim was spot on, and just the mere fact hat she's officially a murder is enough to make me fall in love with her.

My plan is working out quite nicely; I should pat myself on the back.

At first I was pissed when I saw Cory appear alone to the gunfight. But when the men got the best of us, I was quite thankful she wasn't there for it. Men like them love to fuck with young girls, scaring them before taking their lives. Being by herself ended up the best thing the best thing for her. For us. If it weren't for Cory leaving her side, we would all be laying in that house dead, not them. She saved our lives.

Rosie could've taken her chance, letting us die and finding her own way out but she didn't. She risked her life to save ours instead. This only furthers my confidence in my plans. She had a chance to rid of me, to go back to the way she lived before I entered the picture and she didn't take it. She chose me.

Her loyalty now being proven, Cory can officially start singing a different tune about her. Rosie doesn't understand yet the power she now holds. All of us owe her after that and now the world can prepare to be at her mercy.

That turns me on.

I will make this girl a force to be reckoned with. A jack of all trades. Telling by what she did tonight...it wouldn't take much work.

"What now?" Rosie's shaky voice asks, filling the thick silence in the car.

"Lesson number one:" I answer, causing her head to turn and look at me, eyes red from all that crying she's been doing. She'll have to get over all of that. "How to get away with murder."

Cory, Nathan, and Willy let out deep, almost quiet chuckles.

We ended up going to Cory's place, mine not being an option since my brother and our parents would be there. There's no explaining this to them, especially tonight. I don't have the energy to think of a lie and hear all of their unwanted concerns. That will have to wait. Not to mention the splitting headache I'm already having from where that asshole hit me in the head with the butt of his gun. Like I would deserve such a thing.

Cory lent me some clothes to change into since ours are matted with dried blood. They cling to our chests and backs, our jeans sticking to our legs. My eyelashes are glued together, the skin of my cheek stiff from where it had crusted over. I'm positive Cory is aching just as bad as I am, given he got just as bad of a beating.

Despite Cory's dumb decision to against my instructions and his all the way around bad attitude...he's one I could always count on to have my back. At the end of the day, he is always fighting my fight, no matter how brutal. Cory has shown me he cares more times than I could track. If there's one person besides Rosie Mae that I won't let anyone fuck with...that's Cory.

"You guys aren't going to get cleaned up first?" Nathan asks before giving a slow nod. "Sounds about right."

Cory had lit a blunt, his mind in the same place mine is. After all of that chaos, it is most definitely time for a smoke break. We got comfortable standing around the kitchen counter, none of us not sure what to say in the presence of Rosie.

She takes her jacket off without a word, not having uttered one since asking what is next. Sitting in the chair at the little breakfast nook in the corner, she fixes her gaze on her hands that rest in her lap.

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