I Prefer Queen

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Chapter Nineteen:

December 16th:
Rosie Mae had one person she didn't particularly like. Loathed more so. Her rationale wasn't too logic but that wasn't anyone's concern but hers.

After Eric proposed she get one desired kill in before they get down to business, Rosie didn't take it a second to stake her claim on Sarah Hale. Sarah committed no wrong, always nice to everyone she came in contact with. Her only fault in life is getting slightly better grades than Rosie who fights hard for those perfect scores.

It all came down to good old fashion jealousy. Once upon a time Rosie Mae had no control over Sarah's consecutive one hundred perfect test results. Now she's take away Sarah's chances of ever receiving a grade on anything again, her dream career. All that back breaking extra curricular work and sleepless nights to get into the college she wanted, all going down the drain one one fell swoop.

"You think you're better than me." Rosie claimed, bending at the waist to come eye level with the helpless teenager who sits in the chair in front of her.

Malicious anticipation set heavily in Rosie's eyes. Her hunger for her third kill made this absolutely necessary to her. "Do you know how many hours I've put into getting the best grades at school? I have perfect attendance, Sarah."

Sarah's eyes darted around at Eric, Cory, Nathan, and Willy who stood in a line behind Rosie Mae, watching her work. Eric didn't have to give her a push to go through with this. She entered the room where we had the girl tied up and ready for her with her head held higher than ever. Nose turned up because she had the ability to.

"I don't understand what's going on." Sarah said in a pleading tone, understanding that it couldn't be good based on her condition. "I work just as hard as you do. What is going on?"

"You don't deserve all of those one hundreds." Rosie informed her. "I do. That's what's going on here, Sarah."

Sarah paused her writhing about under those ropes that are impossible for her to break loose from. "So what? I don't get why I'm here."

Standing up straight, Rosie sighed. "Recently I've learned that I'm not fond of competition. I used to root for you, Sarah. I tried so hard to live up to your status."

"Now I only root for myself, Sarah." Rosie checked her manicured hand, having changed it to the color red just that morning. "If we lived in a perfect world, maybe you would've beat me to it." She gave a mockingly sorry expression to the girl. "It's just too bad the world your living in is mine."

Fear sets in poor Sarah as she puts pieces of the conversation together, connecting the dots. "What are you going to do?" She asks, voice trembling. She seeks the men out for help but naturally, they remain in their places.

"I'm going to eliminate the competition."

Rosie Mae raised the gun she held to Sarah's forehead. The barrel pressed firmly against her skin, giving it a slight indention.

Sarah's mouth opens to speak but before a sound can escape her lips, Rosie Mae applies pressure to the trigger.

Sending a bullet through Sarah's still developing brain.

Rosie Mae spins on her heel to face the men who gape at her proudly. "How'd I do?!" She asks with the brightest smile she's ever worn, motioning with her armed hand to Sarah's lifeless, slumped over form.

Cory approaches Rosie who holds out the gun to him before he has to ask. She places it in his hand, reviving a smirk from him. It was his way of showing his approval. That was enough for Rosie Mae.

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