Sharing Is Caring

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Chapter Twenty:
Eric's POV

"She's unstoppable. Ruthless." I explain. "She's not one to follow. She wants to lead."

Kale slouches in his chair at his desk, disapprovingly shaking his head. "She's going to get overzealous and stupid. She's seventeen and a liability. I was all ears at first, Eric but now the more you talk, the more I think this is all going to go royally fuck us in the end."

"Not if she has Cory and I to guide her." I retort from my seat across him. "Things are going just as they're supposed to, Kale. You haven't watched it happen, her in action."

Kale sighs, wanting to let me down easy but having trouble finding a way to. "So what do you suggest I do? Just take your word for it? I don't think so." Kale made dumb choices, such as employing me, but he never made rash decisions. It's not surprising that he wouldn't just trust what someone has to say. Especially when it came down to this.

"Meet her." I suggest. "It's the only way you're going to say yes. It's the only way you can."

He examines me, taking in now serious I am. He's aware I'm not one to fuck around. I say what I mean and I mean what I say...unless it's a lie to my benefit.

"How quickly can you bring her here? Tomorrow?"

I had previously given Cory, Rosie, Nathan and Willy the instruction to wait exactly seven minutes. Not a second sooner or later. Seven minutes. They must've all been counting down in unison their last sixty seconds of waiting judging by the way the four of them entered right on queue.

Rosie Mae swung open the wooden double doors that opened into his office. Cory, Nathan and Willy stand tall in a line behind her, at her ready.

My brother doesn't know what to do with Rosie. But I do.

A smirk creeps to my lips as she saunters into the room, ever so slowly. Rosie took her sweet time, keeping her eyes locked onto Kale who gawks at her, in a trance by her elegant, horrifying beauty. As we all are.

She wore black jeans, a long sleeved grey v neck shirt, and a woven cardigan. As innocent as she may appear, her eyes told a alternate story. She lifted her arms out to the side, only a little so Cory could gently pull the cardigan down off her shoulders, her arms and then completely off her body.

Cory handed the cardigan to Willy who tossed it over his shoulder. Rosie adjusted the he, of her shirt, fixing it. She then found me, giving me a nod.

Rosie Mae and I had an unspoken communication recently, her thoughts now lining up with mine. So she didn't have to mutter a word for me to stand and go around to Kale's side of the desk, my chair tagging along. I place it next to his, where I reclaim my seat, gaining a confused look from Kale before he returns to Rosie.

With graceful steps, now pleased, she uses her foot to scoot the chair over that's left across from Kale and I. She centers it with the desk before unhurriedly sitting in the seat.

Rosie's right leg crosses over her left one as her arms laid on top of both arm rests. "You wanted to see me." She states with a hint of a smile. She's well aware of the entrance she just made and she's lavishing in it.

Kale shifted next to me, suddenly the heat on him instead of her like it was supposed to be . I tried to tell him.

"So you're this Rosie Mae Eric's talked so much about." Kale begins, studying her as she is him.

She cocks her head to the side. "All good things I hope."

"You'd think you walk on water." He huffs, not believing it. Even I am beginning to understand to not test Rosie Mae. She's locked and loaded consistently, trigger happy. Blake, Cory, Nathan, and Willy are in it for the money. I'm in it for the money and power. Rosie...she's just excited to be here and get the hell out of town after graduation. Kale should play this smart, he's unsure who he's dealing with.

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