Part 1 "Zeebo Meeting" - Chapter 2

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Zplight was walking around the corridors making haste, following a green Gnarpian she thinks has at least a half-pure soul, unlike Gnarpy. The green cat walked into a room Zplight has never seen before. Zplight wondered what was inside and walked in without thinking about anything that could happen. "Hello..? I... Followed you here zo I could know you better. Are you here...?" Zplight walked around, sifting her paws through the dark rooms walls. "I'd like to know you too." A voice echoed through the other side of the room. "You are part of the lucky 36% of the Gnarpian zoldierz that... Didnt faint. How lucky!" The lights turned on and Zplight hissed because of how unexpected it was. The green cat ran straight up to Zplight and examined her closely. "Nice armor! Perfect for dealing in cold weatherz." The green Gnarpian touched it. "Hey, don't touch zat..." Zplight flinched. "My name iz Fuzl, #2580! Az you can zee by my fur pattern, armor color and AMAZING color right neowz, I am OBVIOUZLY Gnarpyz couzin. I have lotz and lotz of ztuff to zay about me!! But not right neow..." Fuzl scrambled about. Xyr antennae were so close to Zplight and Zplight pushed them away with one paw. Fuzls tail was divided into two parts, one of them being a stinger, and one of them had an extra paw at the end. Zplight looked at the extra paw with a worried expression and pointed at it. "What happened to your tail?" Zplight asked. "My tail? I juzt... I lozt the other ztinger to a puny earthling." Fuzl sighed. "They... Caught me, and experimented on me. We could find any zpare ztingerz zo the medicz had to uze an extra paw to replace it." Fuzl said quietly, so no one but Zplight could hear, even though they were the only ones in the room. Xe really doeznt want anyone to hear about that, doeznt xe? Zplight thought.
"Wait, if you are green, then you muzt be a co-leader, right?" There was a pause of silence. It seemed as if Fuzl didn't want to admit something. "Yez... That iz correct. But I am not a co-leader." Zplight gasped. Zplight had always thought being green immediately meant you will be a co-leader, whether you like it or not.
"How are you not...?" Zplight asked. "Well, an army can only have up to two co-leaderz, depending on how much work they have to do. And me? I'm the third. We cannot have three co-leaderz, that cauzez imbalance." Fuzl explained to Zplight. "That... Makez zenze. But, if you are not a co-leader... What are you doing here then?" Zplight tilted her head and was curious about what Fuzl did around here. Janitor? Medic? Teacher? Trainer? Or even a zervant? Zplight thought of so many possible occupations Fuzl could have. "I don't have one. Gnarpy zaid xe iz gonna be adjuzting a meeting for me to get a new occupation in the military. Iznt that awezome!?" Fuzl went on about what job xe could have, but Zplight was curious. New job? Well... Maybe I could zign up for it. Ezpecially becauze my current job ZUCKZ.

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