Surprise Victim

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Chapter Twenty One
Rosie Mae's POV

"I'm getting less and less excited the longer you make me wait." I complain, still waiting for Eric to give me whatever gift he told me he had for me. When he called to tell me to get to Cory's a little bit earlier, I was shocked to find out it was because he had gotten me something.

I didn't take Eric as a sweet, thoughtful guy. He's very surface level, showing he cares only enough to keep someone sticking around. The last thing I expected was for him to go out of his way to spend money on me.

"You are the most impatient person I've ever met." Eric tells me, retrieving a shiny black box the he had put on top of Cory's refrigerator at some point. "You really are. It almost makes me not want to give you this, Rosie Mae."

He looks at me teasingly...lustfully. Enough to make my knees weaken.

I try not to smile. "Just let me have it."

Eric comes closer, the box held in front of his waist. "Now what do you say, Rosie Mae?" His eyes sparkled.

I broke, the light smile reaching my lips that I had fought to keep at bay. "Please." I draw out the word in a singsong voice.

"Good girl." His husky voice responds

Biting my lip, I take the gift box he now holds out to me. His dominance and gratitude are enough to make me faint right now. Setting it on island, I remove the sleek top, revealing what's inside.

"Eric..." my smile widens. "You shouldn't have!"

For the first time, Eric wore a teethed smile as he watched me retrieve the gun from the box. It was specially made for me. With a pink and black design, the letters RM were printed on the barrel in what I can only assume is real diamonds.

"Tell me I did good." His smile fades into a smirk as he tugs on the hem of my shirt, pulling me closer to him inch by inch.

My skin heats up at his action, wrapping my arms around his neck as my hand still holds the firearm. His strong arms engulf me, disappearing into his chest as he wraps me into a hug.

"You did amazing. I love it." I validate him as he releases me from the embrace. "Why did you get me this?"

"You're gonna be official today, love." He reminds me with a proud expression. "I wanted you to feel official too. I can be quite the gentleman."

Eric makes me feel all-powerful, as if I own every ounce of authority in any given situation. He makes me strong, fearless instead of fearful now. As long as I'm by his side and he's by mine, I am untouchable...forbidden.

I was just plain old Rosie.

Now I'm...

Miss Rosie Mae.

"She finally got her own piece." Cory says, entering the kitchen. "Now she can stop abusing mine." He snatches the gun from my hands, spinning around on his heels to face away from me as I grab at his shirt to get it back.

"I haven't even used it yet!" I grumble, reaching up as he holds the gun in the air, full of laughter as I struggle. "Now your grimy fingers have been all over it!"

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