Part 1 "Zeebo Meeting" - Chapter 3

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Fuzl looked down at Zplight, still thinking about new job opportunities.
"What if you became a zpy?" Zplight said to Fuzl. Fuzl immediately stood straight and xyr whiskers twitched. "Zpy...?" Fuzl thought out loudly. "Well, it could work! Zurely if the Geeblez have zome of our mozt important information, I zhall take their information inztead!" Fuzl exclaimed. Zplight felt left out and thought of the word I. Zplight really wanted to become a spy too. Especially if it didn't involve running around noisily and yelling all the time. Spying is quiet, and you must make haste.

I... You mean, you can do it yourzelf? With no partnerz? Zplight said it in her mind so Fuzl wouldnt get offended, even though xe probably wouldnt. "I... Want to be a zpy too. Could I juzt, join the meeting? At leazt, if I'm allowed to." Zplight looked dead serious, as if changing jobs was really important to her. "Yeah! Zpeaking of the meeting- The meeting iz happening tomorrow!" Fuzl delightfully started skipping towards the door at the other side of the room. "We zhould be practicing our talking zkills. Ezpecially if the meeting iz zome sort of job interview." Fuzl opened the door and walked out, leaving Zplight alone in the dimly-lit room. Job interview. The 2 words echoed throughout Zplights mind. Zplight shook her head and ran out the door before it slowly closed.
Zplight walked through the halls, following Fuzls loud footsteps. Zplight was still being constantly reminded of the new job, thinking if she'll make it or not. Zplight went up the staircase to her room. She looked for her soldier number written on a sign next to the door. Zplight found it after a long minute of walking, and she went in.
Zplight stood still for a moment, and looked around the room. Everyone was so quiet, even Fuzl was. Meetingz are very zeriouz here, are they? Zplight assured herself. Zplight looked at the chairs for a moment, wondering where she should sit. Next to the leader? No... much too important. Maybe next to Gnarpy? No... much too rizky. What about... Next to Fuzl? I mean, thatz the zafezt option... Zplight thought. Zplight waited for Fuzl and all the Gnarpians to settle down. Zplight was in the the corner of the room, observing the room. Scanning every Gnarpian in it. Yeah, Fuzl iz the zafezt option. Zplight thought.

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