Part 1 "Zeebo Meeting" - Chapter 5

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Fuzl had pushed the door open and set Zplight back down onto the floor. Inaudible chatters in the Gnarpian language were being whispered to one another. A hologram of the leader was standing on the table, twitching their whiskers as Fuzl and Zplight arrived. "Leader, iz the blue one invited?" One of the sitting Gnarpians asked. "No. I never did." The hologram spoke, with very clear audio. "But LEADER! Zplight wantz to change occupationz, pleaze let her ztay!" Fuzl begged. Saluting after making her plead. The leader looked confused for a moment, and opened their mouth. "She can ztay." Fuzl smiled softly and sat down with Zplight at the corner of the table. Fuzl was sitting next to Gnarpy, while Zplight sat next to Fuzl. Fuzl tapped xis whiskers on Gnarpy's cheek, and Gnarpy did the same back to Fuzl. A simple Gnarpian way of greeting each other. I never did that, especially with my parents. Zplight thought, while regaining a few memories. The meeting started, with Gnarpy starting, as xe is co-leader.
"Are we gonna let one of our mozt energized soldierz leave my campaign!?" Gnarpy slammed xis paws onto the table. "Yez. You have enough, right?" The leader cleared their throat. The tall, purple menancing hologram turned to Zplight. "Do you have conzent to changing jobz? Iz thiz what you want?" The leader walked closer to Zplight. Zplight felt intimidated by the leaders presence, even if it was just a hologram. "Y-yez. I want to zwitch my job." Zplight stuttered. As the leader looked around the table, scanning any Gnarp expressions that looks like they are going to say anything, any moment now. "Leader," Gnarpy raised a paw. "we only have THREE main jobz. Soldier, Co-leader, and Leader. WHAT iz #5670'z work here pozzibly gonna be!? A janitor!? ZBLEGH!" Gnarpy slammed the table once more.
The leader wrinkled their muzzle to Gnarpy and relaxed their face a few seconds later. Gnarpy remained quiet and calm when xe saw the leader do that. "Zorry to interrupt, BUT THIZ MEETING IZ ABOUT ME!" Fuzl interrupted the silence in the room. "Yez, yez... Zorry. We forgot about zat."  The leader walked up to Fuzl and turned on the large screen at the end of the meeting hall. The leader went to all the members of the Gnarpian Army, and started scrolling. I hope Fuzl getz in, even though it iznt me. Itz juzt, I havent zeen many interezting thingz Fuzl can do. Fuzl went on an invazion with Gnarpy once, and xe got experimented on by humanz for... Gnarp knowz why. Zplight thought and worried. The leader stopped scrolling and pressed Fuzl's icon on the screen.
The screen flashed and showed Fuzls stats. It showed:

Occupation: Unemployed
Color: Green
Battle Experience: 70%
Intelligence: 140 IQ
Intense flexibility, amazing stealthiness, quiet footsteps, advanced hearing & eyesight.

The leader scanned the screen carefully, thinking about all possible jobs Fuzl could have with these kind of stats. There was a long moment of silence that Gnarpy started fidgeting with xis stinger. The leader turned around and walked to the middle of the table, facing Fuzl.
Fuzl looked up to the leader with the most serious face Fuzl had ever done, xe looked worried, even scared.
Zplight was tapping her claws on the table, starting to sweat a little. Nervous about what the leader will say. What if the leader rejects Fuzl? Fuzl iz the only Gnarp I knew in thiz military baze, and xe iz zo eazy to get along with. Zplight tapped her claws even harder at that thought that the whole table could hear it. Zplight realized she was getting to loud, and stopped.
"You will be azzigned az..." The leader spoke clearly and loudly.
"The official Zpy of the Gnarpian Military." The leader announced.
Fuzls whiskers jumped up, as if they were going to start flying away. Fuzls eyes widened, and xe couldnt help but smile. "What? REALLY!?" Fuzl exclaimed. "Thiz, thiz iz amazing! Me- the firzt ever ZPY of Gnarpian Hiztory!?" Fuzl cheered. Good for xim... Very good... But what about me? Zplight clutched onto her chair. The leader looked at Zplight and pointed. "You will be the Zpy partner of Fuzl," The leader announced once more. "I know Fuzl cannot be rezponzible on xis own, zo pleaze... Take care of xim." The leader whispered to Zplight. Zplight nodded and couldnt hide how happy she was. Me...? Finally out of the ZTUPID ZOLDIER JOB? Was what she wanted to say, but Zplight thought to herself, so no one else could hear it.
Fuzl held Zplights paw and shook it. "Zpy partnerz! Doeznt that zound amazing?" Fuzl smiled. Zplight couldnt help, but smile back.
Maybe thiz job wont be zo bad.

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