Part 2 "Security Breached" - Chapter 3

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Zplight was walking with Fuzl to the interrogation room while Fuzl was carrying the unconscious Co-leader.
Haz thiz Co-leader been a Co-leader before....? Not like Fuzl waz one either, but... Zplight stopped thinking once they reached the Interrogation room.
Fuzl put the Co-Leader onto a chair sealed inside a glass chamber with lasers as walls. After a few moments, The Co-Leader finally woke up. "Iz... Thiz... a dream? Guhh..." The Co-Leader muttered as if they just woke up from a day-long sleep. "No. You've been captured, and will be zent to the cellz whether you like it, or not." Zplight hissed. The Co-Leader hissed back. Fuzl yelped, and Zplight just slammed the glass. "What do you want from uz, tell uz, or we will make thoze lazerz crazh into you any zecond now..." Zplight growled. "Fine- Fine..." The Co-Leader whimpered. "We... We want to zteal information and give it to the Geeblez." The Co-Leader closed their eyes and yelped, expecting the lasers to crash into them at any point now. "Were you willing to do thiz!?" Fuzl yelled angrily, slamming the desk in front of xim. "Norp... Not at all... I had to." The Co-Leader answered. "All of my family iz in the rebel group, you zee... I alwayz wanted to be a part of an army. And the clozezt army I could get to, waz the Geeblez." The Co-Leader explained. "Yeah yeah... Even if the Geeblez did accept you, the unknowing ZUMB onez would juzt bark at you and bite at you right away." Fuzl crossed xis arms. Zplight sighed and handed the Co-Leader a sheet of paper. "Write your perzonal information and detailz about your group, neow, pleaze." Zplight handed a pen to the Co-Leader. The Co-Leader started scribbling away at the sheet like their life depended on it. The Co-Leader handed it back, and Zplight quickly took it off their hand. "...Co-Leader#1642?" Zplight read. "I'd rather be called Klipey inztead of zome random numberz, thank you." The Co-Leader fiercely spoke back. "Klipey?... Fuzl..." Zplight quietly murmured. "Fuzl, do you think thiz Zeebloing may be related to Plikey?" Zplight whispered. "Probably, their fur patternz are extremely zimilar, and... Thatz all I got." Fuzl whispered back.
"Letz go get Plikey." Zplight spoke loudly enough for Fuzl to hear, but quietly enough so Klipey wouldn't hear.

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