Part 2 "Security Breached" - Chapter 4

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Zplight and Fuzl were on their way to the engineering room where Plikey always makes his latest gizmos in. Zappers, Blasters, UFO launchers, you name it. Zplight and Fuzl made it to the door, and knocked. The door swung open, and Plikey smiled. "You two! Welcome, welcome! Come, come, I made a zuper awezo-" Plikey chattered and got cut off by Zplight. "Plikey, do you know anyone named Klipey?" Zplight asked. "Klipey... I haven't zeen that fella zince I..." Plikey got cut off again. By Fuzl this time. "Zhhh... All we need to know, iz if you know Klipey or not." Fuzl crossed xis arms. "Well, are they here...? I.. really want to zee them." Plikey put his mechanical hands on his hips, waiting for a reply. "Yez... But you promize not to mezz with the interrogation. Alright?" Zplight squinted her eyes. Plikey was the type of person to interrupt everything, speaking ALL of the time... "Zplight, yez, Zplight!" Plikey saluted and grinned widely. He iz zo goofy... For what reazon? Therez two warz, and he iz zmiling? Zplight shooed the thought away. She'd always thought of Plikey as a good friend, not a nuisance. Zplight, Fuzl and Plikey were walking back to the interrogation room, as Fuzl pushed open the door, Plikey instantly saw the look on Klipey's face. Scared, terrified, worried... "What have you guyz... Done to them?" Plikey stuttered. "Interrogation, duh!" Fuzl waved xis hands towards Klipey. "No, I mean... They are zcared of being left alone for long periodz of time... Didn't they tell you?" Plikey put his fingers together, fidgeting with them. "That ZORPLOBO... I told them to write ALL of their perzonal info." Zplight showed  Plikey the paper. "You are probably one of the worzt interrogatorz ever, you know zat?" Plikey looked at Zplight as if she was a horrible monster. Iz he THAT attached to Klipey? Zplight shoved away any more negative thoughts of Plikey before she could just... scream; GET OUT OF MY ZIGHT! Incredibly loudly. Zplight shoved Plikey away while breathing quite loudly. "If you are that attached to your ZTUPID zibling, or whatever they are... Why don't you go in the interrogation chamber yourzelf then?" Fuzl looked at Zplight the same way Plikey did. "What? You can't let Plikey in there, he did nothing wrong!" Fuzl protested, as Zplight shoved Plikey into the chamber. "I ZON'T CARE!" Zplight growled. "Oh, okay... Partner." Fuzl said sarcastically. "Now you, you and Plikey... You zeem to be related, itz pretty obviouz." Zplight spoke on the mic. "Zo... We're going to claw all the truth you behold." Zplight had an evil smirk on her face, her fur getting all ruffed up as she got excited to interrogate two traitors.

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