You Are Mine

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Chapter Twenty Three
    Rosie Mae's POV

I had been putting on a show, acting as if it didn't bother me that Faith would be expected to die. Kale tested my braveness, dedication to the job no matter the victim. It was tearing me apart inside as I put on a alternate persona. The fear and trembling I had in knowing I'd have to kill her was the most difficult thing to mask. I didn't want to let Eric, Kale, or myself down.

Most of all, I feared that I would die if I didn't perform what was being anticipated.

Something came over me, took over my body when hearing Eric say she fucked boyfriend. Maybe I shouldn't have put something like that past her, she was popular for her slutty ways. I didn't hesitate to pull the trigger at the mental image of Blake doing the things he does to me, to Faith. Afterwards, a weight I had no idea was dragging me down...lifted. Faith no longer breathing somehow made it possible for me to breathe easily again. Her death set me free from the chains she had me hostage in.

Though maybe it wasn't her keeping me hostage. Maybe it was me who was weighing her down. Maybe it's always been about me...always angry whenever it was about her, jealous. I guess a part of me wanting things to always be pertaining to me, unable to stand her own good traits, attention getting.

I don't know what I feel...who I am...what I've been seeking. But all the cards are falling as they may.

After learning about Blake's infidelity, it was an immediate green light for me to make the move I've been longing to make on Eric. Kissing him.

My entire being erupted as our lips met for the first time. It felt better than I had imagined, than I had daydreamed about for weeks. Eric left me wanting more. His firm grasp on my hips made my knees weak. The passion and lust behind the kiss made me lose my breath, unable to catch it once we parted. If it weren't for everyone still being present, there was no telling how far we'd end up going.

On the way home from my initiation, Eric explained to me Blake's involvement, when it began, what happened, and how he's involved now. He painted a picture of Blake in a fit of rage, killing Landon when not even knowing that was the man Eric and Cory were after in the first place. I have to say...

Blake is a master at blending in, manipulating you into thinking his a whole different person than he actually is. As much as it feel wrong to believe...Blake may be more skilled than Eric is. The execution of introducing himself as some stand up guy and following through with it for nearly a year...that's impressive.

Weeks ago I would have reacted differently, mad and scared of the man I've been in a relationship with...having no clue that we are one in the same. It's wild how one person can step into your life and change everything you once thought reality was, change your ethics and morals. I was so scared of Eric in the beginning and all along I was already sleeping with a murderer. Blake.

Behind my back, Eric and Blake had discussed my role in this gang of serial killers. Blake desired me to be a part of it, unbeknownst to me. This would change everything, more than it already has. He's willing to accept wherever this would lead us, our relationship, and his relationship with his brother.

It surprised me but it shouldn't, given he pretended to be everything he's not. I don't know Blake at all. I'd now have to get to know a whole new person whose I call my man. I should no expectations of him anymore.


I raise my head, seeing Blake enter my bedroom. He never showed up like this. By the look in his eyes it's clear...

He knows.

"Hi." My small, shaky voice says. I'm unsure of how he will react after Eric had a conversation with him about everything I've done. This morning Eric had come clean to Blake, demanding that it was necessary since we'd all begin working together.

I knew I'd hear from Blake sooner rather than later. I just didn't think he'd pop up like this, without even having the courtesy of knocking. A text, call, any type of heads up would've been ideal.

Blake's demeanor had changed recently, as I already had seen. I just wasn't aware it was because he'd given into his guilty pleasure to kill. Now that he is set free like I am, he is wearing his true colors outright.

His hands are shoved into his pockets, a sly grin resting comfortably on his face. I'm about to meet the real Blake.

"Having fun on your little murder spree, Rosie?" He taunts, closing my bedroom door behind him. "I gotta tell you...I never would've thought this would be you. Not to mention kissing my brother."

I wasn't prepared for that abrupt confrontation. I figured Eric would keep that part to himself. When Eric told me the other day that he was getting tired of secrets...I guess he really meant it. Not that I had a reason to be ashamed anymore.

I saved my place in my book with a silver, glittery bookmark. Closing it, I set it in my nightstand. "I could say the same about you." I remind him. "Not to mention fucking my best friend." He drew his eyebrows together. "Oh, you didn't know I knew that?" I snicker, standing up and crossing my arms over my chest. "Guess we're learning all kinds of things about each other."

Blake smirked, not giving me the reaction I was aiming for. I wanted him to get jealous, mad like I did. Instead, he turned me on by doing the exact opposite. "You like it like that, Rosie. Right?" His eyes gleamed. "The thrill of doing bad things?"

I scanned him over as he came closer to me with a dark, sexy look.

"This is what you've wished for." He reminds me. "You like me better like this already, don't you?" He made a throaty noise as he gave me a once over. "Don't worry, I like you better too."

I leaned into his touch as he tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Look at you..." Blake chuckles lowly. "Getting all hot for me."

He wasn't lying. My legs are pressed firmly together. His voice and the way he's carrying himself is having an effect he's never had on me before. I've always loved how romantic Blake can be but having him look like he wants to devour me is making me want him in a way I've never felt before.

"If I had known you were this freaky..." his lips graze my jaw, sending a shiver down my spine. "I would've told you I kill real people a long time ago."

"I want you so bad." I tell him, hands finding his chest.

"You do." Blake confirms, tangling his hands in my hair before pulling my head back, giving himself access to my neck. "But you'll get nothing. Consider this your punishment for lying to me for so long, Rosie."

His words of punishment only excited me more. I let out a breath as his soft lips trail along my neck, sliding my shirt down to place kisses on my shoulder.

"Understand something, Rosie..."

I wait.

"You are mine."

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