So You're Big Shit?

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Chapter Twenty Five
    Eric's POV

"Has no one told her that I don't give additional information? Last time was a special occasion and she's not understanding that. Someone help me out here." Kale says, glancing between me, Cory, Nathan, Willy and Blake who as sit around in office, spinning around in his swivel chairs lazily.

Rosie leans forward on the desk, cleavage on full display, using her usual tactics to get what she wants. "Come on, I like to have a little back story. It really helps me connect with our victims."

He graces her with a blank stare. "That shit doesn't work on me, Rosie. Try it on the other lowlifes here."

Rosie rolls her eyes with a a huff, standing up before turning to leans back against the desk.

"I can't believe you guys are really just told a name and you just go after them." She looks between us. "Don't you want to be given a reason?"

The guys and I exchange a glance before I shake my head and answer, "nah, not really" in unison with them.

"Fine." Rosie pauses in thought. "I'll just make one up myself then." She nods her head from side to side, keeping us all on the edges of our seats. Note my sarcasm. "How about Victooooorrrr..." she trails off in thought. "Ooo!" She snaps her fingers. "Victor kidnapped Cory's parents!"

With the same hand that snapped it's fingers, Rosie points at Cory who stares, deadpanned at her. "See? That works because your parents are never home!" She explains as if we really wanted or needed it. "So we're creating a plan to rescues your parents by killing Victor!"

Cory gives a slow clap as Blake and I wear matching grins, watching Rosie Mae in all her blinding glory. "You're so creative, Rosie. We're all just dying to hear more. See? See what I did there?" He mocks her. "Dying? We're going to kill Victor?"

Rosie sneers over at him. "Ha. Ha. Ha. You oughta be a comedian, Cory, the way you make us all cackle."

That made us all chuckle, gaining an expression of triumph from Rosie and annoyance from Cory.

"I think I'll start working with Ronnie, Jacob and Lyla." Cory replies. "Then I wouldn't have to put up with your ass."

"You both make me want to only work with those three." Kale shakes his head, straightening out a stack of money by tapping its sides on the table. "Nathan." He announces, holding the cash out to him which he took with pleasure. "Willy." Another hand off. "Blake."

Blake stood from his own chair, giving Rosie a tender kiss on the cheek as he grabbed the money from Kale. I cut my eyes, knowing he's only doing that to get under my skin. He's created an unsaid competition between us, one that I never intended on participating in.

As he wishes.

Rosie blushes as Blake took his seat again, Cory passing him to get his share as well. Kale tosses me mine. I catch right before it lands in my lap.

"Wait a damn minute..." kale gives a confused expression as he motions to Blake. "When you brought me Blake, you failed to mention that he's Rosie's boyfriend I've heard so much about." He says, filled with amusement. Kale nudges Rosie. "So you really are fucking both brothers." He clicks his tongue. "Faith was right to call you a hypocrite then, eh?"

Blake's head snaps in my direction, fury in his darkened eyes.

Cory takes unhurried steps towards Rosie, pulling her back with both hands on her waist as she whips around to face Kale again, clearly not happy with his taunting behavior towards her.

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