Part 3 "Deeper into two stories" - Chapter 4

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(Plikey's POV)
Plikey was rushing down the stairs quickly, his blue mechanical tail swiftly following him. Many worrying thoughts were in his mind,
What if they already executed them, My brother? Klipey, I'm coming. Plikey hadn't seen his brother in a lot of years, he was really worried. The deeper he went, the more darker it becomes. Plikey met with a T-intersection. What if I chooze the wrong way!? Plikey panicked, twirling his whiskers. Then, a few whirring sounds were heard, then Plikey's mechanical tail pointed at the left hallway. Plikey ran down the hallway and spotted a speck of green fur in the darkness. "Brother!" Plikey cried, as he ran to the prison cell. "Are you alright? You're in ZOBLOB condition... Look at your fur... All ruffled up, like a Geeble ZPAT all over it." Plikey began smoothening Klipey's fur as Klipey looked up to Plikey, leaning against the wall with their arms and tail chained. "They caught me, the green and blue one... Zugh..." Klipey groaned weakly. "Fuzzy and Zpit...?" Klipey joked, as Plikey held in his laugh. Fuzzy and Zpit? I never thought anyone would call them zhat. Hehe... Plikey laughed in his mind, and his face went serious as he was reminded of the chains.
Plikey got a pair of chains, and started unlocking the chains, one by one. If I remember correctly... Thiz pair goez to the wristz... And thiz pair goez to the anklez. Oh wait, there are no ankle chainz. Zilly me! The keys jingled, and Klipey finally got the energy to speak up.
"Thank GNARP you found me... I almozt had to rezort to BITING the chainz off." Klipey cheered. "Careful, Zplight'll hear you!" Plikey quickly said. The keys stopped jangling and 2 loud thuds were heard as the chains fell down. "Help me ezcape and get back to my baze. I had received all the info I need now." Klipey said to Plikey. "No." Plikey bravely said. "What do you mean no?" Klipey growled. "I know I let you free from thiz dark, zoblob place.. But I know better than to not let you get back to your baze." "Juzt... Ztay with me here, will ya?" Plikey held Klipey's paws.
"Fine." Klipey muttered. Fuzl came strolling down the hallway as Zplight looked quickly at xim. Fuzl went to Klipey's cell and gasped. "WHO ZET YOU FREE!?" Fuzl shouted furiously, irritating Zplight, who was nearby, spying on Plikey and Klipey. "Me..." Plikey came from inside the cell, putting his arm on the other. "Why?" Fuzl growled. "I... I couldn't zee my brother trapped in thiz cell any longer. I juzt... I had to!" Plikey cried. "RIGHT..." Zplight came out, unexpectedly. "You REALLY had to." Zplight pointed at Plikey. "You... TRAITOR." Zplight yelled. "ME!? TRAITOR!? I ONLY LET MY BROTHER GO!" Plikey argued back. "YEZ! Not only are you a traitor, but you helped your zeebloing rebelz infiltrate the baze. You know the garage iznt monitored much, becauze we truzt you enough to manage it yourzelf. BUT LITTLE DID WE KNOW... YOU LET REBELZ IN FROM THE GARAGE DOOR, AND HID THEM UNTIL THE COAZT WAZ CLEAR! Thatz why... You hid the door while we came to you." Zplight explained thoroughly. "...No. That iz not the full ztory." Klipey stood in front of Plikey, who was on the verge of crying. "I made a deal with Plikey a while ago while Fuzl waz buzy with the Rubik's cube." Klipey and Zplight looked at Fuzl as Zplight raised an eyebrow and tilted her head. "If I got locked up, Plikey would zet me free. And he got to get many Scrapz from our junkyard." Klipey explained, arguing with Zplight's view of the story. "It- Itz true..." Plikey sniffled. "Well then.. Plikey. Letting a criminal go for garbage?" Zplight growled in disappointment. Plikey gulped. I really zhouldnt have made that deal. Plikey thought nervously.

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