Chapter Twelve(Change)

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Chapter Twelve

    Here's chapter 12. I wrote this the same day of 11, haha:) Hope you guys like it. Dont be shy, comment and tell me what you think. Love to get feedback! Ahh:) I feel like this is sort of a filler...-___- I'm aware of how boring those are. I pray this isnt. Haha, oh and tell me what you think of this baby idea? Should she have one? Okay enjoy:3  


   Classical music spun smoothly together in the background of the hillside country club. My table of stuck up girls never seemed to shut up, and I guess I was just grateful that they hadn't directed their comments to me.

  I traced my fingers along the cold silver of the utensils in front of me, examining the delicate doily pattern of the table cloth below. Avery, the girl across from me with the gorgeous Indian skin and long black hair, shot me a look of disgust at my sudden disinterest.

"So Murey, rumor has it you're seeing some trouble maker." She glared.

   The girls around me spun to see my uneasy expression, their faces bright with the new gossip. I tapped my thumb on my elegant chair beneath me, biting the inside of my mouth with nervousness.     Avery had a smug look on her face, as she dabbed around her lightly painted lips and ink traced eyes. I took in a deep breath and told myself just talking about him wouldn't bring up the possible baby idea. Would it?

 "Oh, Andy. Yeah...we've been dating for a while now." I replied, my voice a bit shaky.    

    Zoey twirled a piece of her short blonde hair around her finger, chewing a wad of invisible gum. "Are you talking about Andy Biersack?" She asked.    

   I nodded lightly and quickly took a sip of my tea that was in front of me. Her bright blue eyes widened with amusement and then returned to her normal bitchy size.

"He dated Taylor. Like, remember when she was all rach and gothic or whatever? Yeah, she like dated him and for some reason he just broke up with her out of the blue. She said he like, had some weird past or something."   

    I scratched the side of my head with sudden irritation. I really just wanted to slap her across the face for feeling entitled to tell me something about my boyfriend. I also had to force myself not to get too angry about Taylor, remembering her extreme transformation and vague sympathy.

"Didn't he kill someone?" Avery shot, her jeweled hazel eyes ripping into my frame.    

    I coughed quietly and took another sip of my tea, wondering how to answer a question I didn't know about...or was a bit afraid to talk about in the first place.

"Yeah! Oh my gosh! Taylor was with him. It was because she slept with this other guy and he showed up at some bar Andy was always at. So Andy asked him to fight in the basement and he just ended up killing him-with his like fists!" Zoey gushed.    

  Something inside of me snapped and my body felt flimsy and hollow. I felt nauseous. My body was shaking a bit and I could feel a thin layer of sweat hitting a line on my forehead.

"Excuse me." I choked.    

   The whole group of girls held in their giggles, as I fumbled my way to the bathroom in the back. The stalls of frilly pink were all opened. Thank God, I was alone.   

    I found the first one to my right and vomited until some minutes had passed. I didn't even feel like getting up. I just lay there next to the toilet, dabbing away the sickness from my face. I needed to calm down before I went back out there-if I went back out there. My legs were sprawled out in front of me, still jittery. I didn't know if it was true. I didn't know. He wouldn' least...I don't know.

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