Chapter One

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Egypt, 17th Year of King Narmer's Reign, Early Dynasty

Torchlight flickered over the stone walls of the immense cavern, bathing them in a soft golden glow. That light danced over the massive figures of the Gods, giving the faces of the statues the appearance of expression. It illuminated as well the faces of the priests and priestesses gathered around the stone pedestal that served as an altar. The air was pungent with the scent of burning incense. Chanting echoed throughout the chambers, a sound that rose and fell, a low atonal hum that resonated in the bones.

Mummification had never been intended for use on the living but it was as it must be and none of those gathered there could gainsay what was about to happen. Not General Khai, nor any of the priests and priestesses of the Gods, nor even the High Priestess Irisi herself. Who were they to second-guess the Will of the Gods?

Irisi could not and would not.

It was as the prophecy had decreed however much they wished to deny it. Kahotep's prophecy, he who was High Priest of Horus, the Falcon-God whose Eye saw everything.

"A darkness rises, O Pharaoh, to be unleashed across the world. It comes as a shadow rising from the desert laying waste to all of Egypt, scouring the earth as it passes. Death and destruction follow in its wake, and the cries of the people of the world are terrible. From the north comes a warrior, a crowned and golden servant of the Gods with eyes like the sky, bearing swords in hand to rise up and drive the terrible darkness out of the world, and to stand against it for all time."

That shadow had risen and the battles had been terrible. Now they had a chance, one chance, to end it. Here.

Servant of the Gods. Irisi was that, she was priestess to both Isis and Sekhmet. To stand against that Darkness for all time? What was prisoned in the chamber below would live forever. And so, therefore, must she. There was no other way, and there was no other to do it. Only she, both warrior and priestess, could, however terrible it was.

And so, this.

To have any chance at success, Irisi knew only that she must accept her fate without protest, willingly, she must give it both her Ba and Ka, her heart and soul, to the Gods and so she steeled herself to face it. Even as that other below, Kamenwati, did not. He fought them, writhed and screamed in protest, in outrage. He chanted spells against them even as Awan, High Priest of Osiris, Kahotep, High Priest of Horus and Djeserit, High Priestess of Sekhmet struggled to contain him and his terrible magic. In the back of Irisi's mind she chanted the words of the two Books she knew so well, the Book of Life, known only to the priests and priestesses of the temples...and the Book of Emerging in Daytime – what some called, wrongly, the Book of the Dead.

Of the priests and priestesses, only Rensi, High Priest of Anubis and gentle Nafre, priestess of Hathor, stood with her in the upper chamber. Representatives of their Gods, each had their task. Rensi made certain the rites done this day were done as they must be to keep Irisi's soul alive against all the odds and to preserve her body in the hope that someday she might reach the afterlife.

Nafre gave comfort to help ease her passage.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2015 ⏰

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