1:A hard process:waking up

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Beep beep beep.

The sound I hate the most in the entire world.

I tried to ignore it for a some more time before getting ready to face school.

I looked at the clock and that's when i realized it was 07:17 am already.

Half an hour.

I tossed over my bed and ran across the room and of course, tripped.

I stood up again (not before quietly cursing the floor) and rushed to the washroom, opened the shower for hot water and meanwhile brushed my teeth.

After showering I quickly dressed into a white T-shirt, with black jeans and black sneakers.

I rushed downstairs and ate my favourite pan cakes with the ever so awesome maple syrup.

I kissed my mom goodbye and ran out the door dramatically like a cliche beginning scene of a movie.

But not before running back because I forgot my backpack just like any other day.

Alex, my brother gave me a "not again" look while waiting in the car for me.

I jumped in and we drove to school.


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