The Thousand No's To One Yes.

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People have asked me in my terms what do I think is the meaning of life. Well life is somewhat a hard concept to explain, everyone has an opinion about it. In my own terms, life is easy as road A and road B. Let's start with road A, road A is an amazing decision. You start out in school and you have fun without doing anything stupid. Then there comes the obstacles like friends offering you mind-bending drugs to make your life like road B. You can always jump over to road B but road A is my choice of life. As for road B, you have no obstacles! Easy right? No. Road B is not an enjoyable experience. In fact, expect the complete opposite. You get into different problems and you can't jump back to road A. I personally think people should decide carefully on which they want to choose. No one is better than you. Ask yourself, "If I have five fingers in each hand and I'm not missing any body parts, then shouldn't I be the same as that guy"? For people who have disabilities... that's a different story. Point A is a longer walk because you reach all the way to this place where your career is officially chosen. I'm talking about university. So which road do you choose?

Chapter 1: Introduction

Steve. When that name comes to mind, people just associate it with someone who sits in an office typing a  tax statement while sipping on a cup of coffee. That's not me. While I do have an interest in computers, I'm not that kind of person who actually enjoys typing reports twenty-four seven. I'm fond of those shiny, metallic computers and laptops with backlit keyboards. Anything that has that famous bitten apple. This might sound like I'm a total fanboy, or iFanboy if you will. This is absolutely not the case... I'm universal. This love for technology first originated back in my childhood... in 2007.

It was a summer afternoon, and I had nothing better to do than sit outside on a worn-down sidewalk and watch whatever passes by. I wasn't one to talk much, or talk at all. At this point I was actually bored out of my mind, and I was going to go back inside. It sure as hell is a good thing I didn't. As I was about to stand up, someone walks up to me. It was a boy about my age, maybe a little younger, but not by much.  He seemed to be holding some sort of device, something I've never seen before. It was glimmering in the sunlight. Well, It was also reflecting it into my eyes.

"Hey, do you mind pointing that away?" I asked.

He flips the device to expose some sort of black glass, which actually made the refection even brighter.

"Woah!" I yelled. "Jesus!"

He steps to the side and apologizes.

"Oh wow! Sorry! Didn't notice that!"

At this point, I was slightly annoyed, but I played it cool.

"What is that?" I asked.

"You don't know?"

"If I did, I wouldn't have asked."

"True, it did also come out today. It's an iPod."

"Doesn't really look like one."  I replied

He interupted me. "Wait... hold on. It's a phone."

"A phone?" I replied "I've never seen one like it."

He interrupts me again. "Wait, wait... It's an internet communicator."

"It can't be all three!" I replied.

He gives me a smirk. "Oh really?"

He opens his hand to reveal a single black glass attached to some sort of silver backing with a button on the front that has a symbol shaped like a square with rounded edges.

I stare at the device in bewilderment. "Wait... how can...-?"

Then from behind my back someone shouts my name. It was my father Markus Mazin.

"Steve! Come on, it's time for lunch!"

I look back at the boy. As I get up he puts his hand on my shoulder. With a friendly smile he says:

"Nice to meet you Steve! I'm Jony! I guess I can see you after lunch?"

Chapter 2: The iWhat?

I finished eating within 10 minutes due to my eagerness and curiosity. I walk ouside to see if I could find Jony. He appeared to be nowhere in sight. I started walking around to see if I could find him.

It's been 15 minutes so far and I've seen no sign of him. I started thinking to myself.

"That device... It sounds like a great tool for everyday use, but how does that work? I mean, a phone? An iPod? An internet communicator? I've never heard of such an amazing combination!"

My thoughts were interrupted by the loud sound of my name coming from behind me. I quickly spun around to see that it was Jony.

"Oh! There you are!" I exclaimed.

This device, was so magical to my eyes it must have taken a great innovation and trials through no's to every yes. It was different from other mobile devices at the time, it was simple yet elegant to me. 

"This device is called the iPhone" Jony started explaining.

"It's so superior, yet it's so easy to use to anyone. The interesting part is that it has no stylus, instead you use something we're all born with, and that's our finger."

"Who made the iPhone Jony?" I said

"The creator, innovator and thought processor was Apple but not Apple's mind but Steve Jobs' mind".


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2013 ⏰

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